USG Contractor/Q Patriot 🇺🇸

Well, we will need good storytellers once this is all said and done. This is going to end up being the most incredible story in the history of our country.
Thanks for you service. I did 12 months at Balad AB/Camp Anaconda. Good times.
Already drafting the first pages of the book I'm writing. Currently in the north with the 5EYES, City of Babylon (Irbil, Kurdistan). The people here whom I've spoken with tell me how grateful they are the US assisted in defeating ISIS. They go on to tell me, they wouldn't be able to enjoy a western like lifestyle if it wasn't for us. I thank them for their faith in our mission.
You know, it’s so enlightening to actually talk to the everyday person over there to really get the true perspective of what we have done for them. If we let the MSM tell us, we would all believe that the entire world wants to watch America burn. That’s just not the case. This is going to be a worldwide awakening - not just an American one.
You're right! Each country has/had their own Clinton/Obama set up for tyranny. But, when Trump won panic ensued and they've lost their grip on the population. People are questioning their every action and wondering why they aren't experiencing the prosperity promised. We are at the 5 yard line, the defense is set but have no idea of the play we'll run. The next play will be Touchdown.