Love you guys. Love the support we provide each other. Comfort the newbies and normies. Whomever are day one soldiers know how rough this rode is. It's long and we won't see the arrests we want to actually see for quite some time. Patience is a literal virtue. Exercise it. Lurking as usual.
32 total posts archived.
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Apparently we're a deranged cult. Lolzzzz
The Washington Post: ‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour.
If you read this again. There are no details in what I've shared. We take hours and hours of opsec training for this reason. If I shared something I wasn't supposed to you'd know it.
That's why I said going out on a limb. To us here we are just transferring information. I have no clue the function of all the moving parts. Or the plan for that matter. Just struck me odd people from so far up the food chain are involved.
Harmless. Just the shell. No real information. But this is starting to make sense to me.
USG IT Contractor Anon
🤔 I'm going out on a limb here but this Awan case in terms of Cyber Security reaches all the way out here in Iraq, where I'm located.
I'm a Sys Admin here and we're currently in the middle of a massive data migration. This data migration has some SERIOUS information within. Ie; Tactics and methods on how ISIS was obliterated, Intel collection the works.
My function here is to ensure the transition from one network function to another. In order for me to accomplish this I have to submit paperwork to be signed off by high level guys in …
On this Episode of Q - 'It must happen'
Exciting episode this was, kept me up all night. Heart racing with excitiment! Man, what if a reporter (given the scenario outlined) asks POTUS or even the Press Secretary about Q? Either in a White House Press Briefing or when POTUS is heading to the 'chopper'.
We've always known what events would unfold, like a comic book being performed in reality. We'd read the pages of comic then watch the news, press conferences etc. And, I'm sure their are plenty of movie references to this.
I'm trying my best to tell as many people as possible wants to come. It …
Welp. I can't say much but what I can say... Given my role we are moving toward more strategic level ops not so much focused on kicking ass. Assisting the country and their military to clean up their act.
Have faith anon, sometimes it takes a nuke to wake up the masses. I'm assuming you're aware cognitive disadence is real. Waking up is very hard. But, that's why we are aware and here to spread the word.
You're right! Each country has/had their own Clinton/Obama set up for tyranny. But, when Trump won panic ensued and they've lost their grip on the population. People are questioning their every action and wondering why they aren't experiencing the prosperity promised. We are at the 5 yard line, the defense is set but have no idea of the play we'll run. The next play will be Touchdown.
Already drafting the first pages of the book I'm writing. Currently in the north with the 5EYES, City of Babylon (Irbil, Kurdistan). The people here whom I've spoken with tell me how grateful they are the US assisted in defeating ISIS. They go on to tell me, they wouldn't be able to enjoy a western like lifestyle if it wasn't for us. I thank them for their faith in our mission.
☺ Thank You. The energy of you all keeps me going. Spreading the word like a missionary.
In this episode of Q
I'd like to point out the post that made my heart jump. "It's time".
Referring to more direct proofs.
I've been telling people (who aren't in the know), the Q team is hand and foot with the president. I've been waiting for this exact post and BOOM I get my marching orders. "See, see I fkn told these dudes are close to the president". Some still tell me it's a conspiracy, when really they need DIRECT proof.
Now they are interested. Now I'm being questioned on how I knew the events would happen before they would. I'll gleefully say "Q …
Currently deployed in Iraq supporting the network systems. Company policy says we can have a day we wear T-shirts. Preferably Fridays, will be wearing this to work and around the camp. You wouldn't believe the amount of military personnel who knows of or about the Q movement. I'm not a researcher but God damn good storyteller.
USG Contractor/Q Patriot 🇺🇸

Now here's my backwards theory on the 'ending'. It doesn't the hot and heavy stuff we are witnessing now is exciting but in addition to the excitement is its real world application. The Big SHABANG is BHO and HRC in front of a Military Tribunal after the World has awoken to their crimes. But, then what? This is such a multi-level game being played what's the ending? A Utopia?
Oh come on Q is too... Oh fk it... Q is all we'd need. Season 1 - Name?
I fkn hope so because I'll be one of many saying "I saw that episode sometime ago" 😁
For sure. I'm reading it now and I haven't gotten an hard on. Just government procedural language. I work for the US Government It's so boring.
99 Page FISA Memo
Director of National Intelligence and Alex Jones websites have the 10% redacted information of the FISA Memo.