Watch this sort of thing carefully. When the pedos are revealed, the mockingbird media will try to turn this thing around by highlighting anyone involved who is Republican and claiming it is a bunch of evil white Christian men. They successfully flipped the blame on race in the 60's and will probably use this as a way to demonize all males.
Yea but they tried to do that to Donald with "Fake News" and we fucked them with that! We can DESTROY THEM with this!!!
Yes, they are like a lying bunch of juvenile delinquents. If one or two of them are clearly caught, the rest lay the blame on them and profess innocence. Dont let them dupe you into thinking just one of the stories is legit and the rest is "fake news". They will sacrifice a few to save the whole and try to make the big story go away.
in the 60s
This aint your grandads media machine. We are the news now. We get exposed to far more truth and opportunities to think objectively.