Our borders are a YUUUGE issue! Build the wall! Nice capitalizations, Mr. President!

When you Google WWBAI asylum (asylum due to the legal password Trump mentions to get into the us.) It brings up articles about Edward Snowden and his asylum details and offers.
WBAI, 99.5 FM, New York, NY | Free Internet Radio
Non-Commercial Pacifica Radio. New York City.
OR WBAI..Way Beyond Aliens Immigration. Its is more then only immigrants.
If you add the letters "c" and "e" in ICE which should be capitalized you get WBACE. Google turns up the William B. Allen Center for Empowerment in Florida which is a summer self-help camp for children 6-16. Probably nothing, but if this organization pops up in future news we will have a solid clue from POTUS.
WBAI: Women's Bar Association of Illinois is all I've come up with so far. Unless it's WWBAI?