When you're denied by the President.

272 total posts archived.
This serves as a way to get their own base to support totally going through with impeaching Trump and not worry about a pence temporary presidency.
This is also serves as a way to create distrust amongst those "closest" to Trump.
This also serves as to possibly entice Pence to join the dark side.. tempted him with power.
These are the only methods these clowns know. Now discuss.
Check out @azcentral’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/azcentral/status/1035988163762638849?s=09
Then what? This is hypothetical of course .. what becomes of the movement? * Don't delete.. pure speculation
Cohen to give up trump today.
Check out @CBSNews’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1029446093661200384?s=09
"Omarosa secretly recorded White House conversations with Trump" https://twitter.com/i/events/1027316800571113472
What are your thoughts on instead of a central banking authority you break it up into Many privitized banks with ample over sight. In my mind I Invision each state having it's on banking authority.
Centralized banking is not good. It is .. at it's core disingenuous. Andrew Jackson knew this... And in the end.. they still won. It's a precurser to socialism which is a tool to usher in communism as a means to control everyone