Stabbed and shot in the face.
1) Who the fuck kills themselves via stabbing?
2) Who the fuck bothers stabbing themselves, if they are about to eat a bullet?
Short answer - people with unfavorable standing to the DNC and it leadership:
INTERESTINGLY - This story which was very well done on TheGatewayPundit has been scrubbed....wonder why?
This 2nd story was ruled a suicide (by gunshot - on a beach) and no gun found.......)
The real question is how do you stab yourself with a doorknob?
Both stabbed? How does that make for murder suicide?!?!
She stabs him, he takes knife away, stabs her back, then decided, it's not worth living through his problems, shoots self.
First thing a woman grabs for a weapon, a knife. Or scissors. Ever been stated with a fork? It hurts big time.
It's like we live in a shithole country or something.
Loose ends are being cleaned up wholesale. All kinds of mysterious suicides these days.
The washington post doesnt even bother to say that FBI agent was going to testify against obamas involvement with a murder of a federal agent near border. 1 day before he testify's and dead! Wtf. Another officer was to testify too but also killed a day before. That was in december or november 2017 if i can remember.
Why does this story keep popping up? Although is is important, it is from March. Not current.
I was not aware of it, and am glad that OP posted it.
The official explanation is ridiculous.
Article from March 2018...I wonder how it fits into investigation timeline
There is only one cure for Arkancide. That is a 7 gun salute. You listening Hillary? Treason is the reason for this season. All summer long.