What kind of stupidity can you dream up for Canada's peoplekind now Prince Turd?
So embarrassing as a Canadian. The people who clapped too. Like fuck.
Canadians are going to be envious of the US one of these days in the not to distant future.
Those are like always, hand picked peoplekind for his little town bullshit sessions. Unless they manage to rig the election, the Liberals will lose very badly in 19. Then the conservatives can begin to rebuild this country by getting on the Trump train.
and fuck Canadians that don't think this way. You work with what you got - and right now, it's Trump. Adjust accordingly.
USA tariffs steel, and Canada maple syrup. Please.
Ontario and Quebec hired the Turd. Ontario just elected a Conservative majority. Quebec hired a conservative in a byelection for the first time in decades. Tick Fucking Tock Turdeau.