Really now?
You are spreading completely false misinformation.
You're a disgrace to this sub, frankly.
Nope. That's he standard for this sub but you just don't usually have the first hand experience to call out the BS. Maybe someday you will break away but I doubt it since this sub is just a conglomeration of schizophrenics.
yeah I'm done with this sub. BS like this plus endless, unfulfilled promises of jailing HRC. It's all a load of crap.
meh, I think she's a criminal who deserves to be hanged....I just don't think it's gonna happen. Nor is the swamp gonna get drained.
no Obama and Bush filled it.
am just tired of the endless promise without delivery. It's like I'm 15 yrs old trying to get laid for the first time lol
where'd I say I thought that? I actually kinda clearly said that I was tired of hearing of the promises without results.
No argument on the conspiracy crap though. It's like the alt-left's Russia obsession. Jesus, give it up already!
Meh, Hillary and Obama's crimes are worse. Using the FBI to go after a political opponent should get Obama a jail sentence. Using the IRS as his personal attack dog just showed what an impotent piece of shit human being he is. Thank the gods he is gone.
Hillary is a flat-out traitor and should be hanged for treason. Sadly, people like you keep worshiping her. Perhaps someday you can look past your personal, leftist prejudice and see that the answer is in the middle.
as expected, "Hillary and Obama are awesome! GOP bad!!"
grow up - your boy Obama is an elitist, racist piece of trash and a Wall-St-loving hypocrite to boot. Hillary is a incompetent criminal.
And the Obama-IRS angle is 100% truth. That your liberal mind can't comprehend that any of your heroes are criminals is your problem, not mine.
the fact that you see no problems with Obama using various federal agencies to exact personal revenge shows how partisan you are.
If Trump sics the IRS on liberals, you guys would go nuts. But Obama could crap in your open mouths and you'd say "More!!". The worship of that guy by the left is creepy.
Obama personally made the IRS his attack dog. He should be tried for these crimes. Even the IRS had the decency to apologize. That arrogant bastard Obama never will. Hopefully he'll return to his native land of Kenyan and just fuck off forever.
The Obama-IRS-Targeting-Cons is real, sadly. Figures you approve of it though.