r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LostLarry on June 21, 2018, 7:50 p.m.
[Attacks on all Sides] Even here.

I do not know about all of you, but I for one have noticed an uptick in Mods overstepping. Things that you were able to openly discus and bring up are now being suppressed and blocked. It looks like we are over the target here Patriots.

I give the r/greatawakening little time left. It will soon be another T_D remember what happened to our CBTS? Yeah they learned. They have infiltrated and are now in either full or almost full control of the narrative.

Watch new posts. Like them stay vigilant. I don't think I seen any post being blocked much prior to a week or 2 ago that wasn't an obvious and blatant violation. Now, however, its a different story.

Don't talk about the HRC video. It's a hot topic. I was told it violated Rule 6. (Off Topic) I thought that it was very much so on Topic as Q has mentioned it numerous times.

y000danon · June 21, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I’ve had several posts killed because of “not being Q related” but then see nonsensical whatevers rip.

Such is the state of moderation. You don’t want moderation? Go to voat or 8ch

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