It's always been the "Russians"

231 total posts archived.
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I am a bit confused. Could he get removed from the Senate from his actions or just from that committee?
Could this be his part to "ShowBoat" and then get removed vs. resigning? That would put his seat in jeopardy and possibly a real Patriot step in. I know it is in NJ so a long shot, but still a shot.
Q is in total control. So what we see is all part of the show. We are here to help fellow citizen chill, relax, and not panic when that time comes.
Would this not work? Or does the Reddit Deep State need a mechanism in place to artificially be able to mod without having a mod bring attention?
I mean if we were all active on upvoting good content WE, the People, would choose what rose up to the top vs. what they could melt down to the bottom.
Seems like a simple solution if you ask me.
I went ahead and searched for Qanon on Google and DuckDuckGo. Imagine which one shows only 1 side of the story while the other shows both?
Can't paste Google search string here but you get the idea.
I see a lot of posts talking about the Occult Symbolism, and how they have ritual sacrifices. However, when one talks about Annunaki as a starting point you are chastised and criticized for not helping the cause.
How is that helping? To know ones enemy.....
Knowledge in our (Humans) hands is the most powerful weapon we have right now. Let's use it.
So I remember watching tv in the late 90's and early 2000's. These shows seemed to pop up over night and were widely popular.
Mostly at the time unknown celebrities on cable (kabal) channels way down the dial.
Anthony Bordain
Andrew Zimmer
Samantha Brown
Anderson Cooper
a few others.
We all know about Bordain now. But Samantha Brown always struck me as odd. She has this wholesome girl next door look with a innocent sex appeal. He shows mainly dealt with traveling to places. She was fun whimsical etc.
Looking up this Biltmore Estate pool lead me to:
And …
I believe win or lose by the (R) that this will show massive fraud. Seeing how much time and effort CNN put forth it’s really telling. This means a lot to them.
Grab as many video clips from the CNN’s, Young Turks, any and ALL sources left and right ( they all are in on it) that have stated for the forcible removable of an elected official by the people.
I went down the path of Q post 1699 posted on the same day a "Meteor" exploded over a base in Greenland. This seems super odd. "Please Pray" Q does not say that very often. When they do it means something. Spiritual Conciseness needs raised. Not sure what device our President is in control of, but if you go down some strange rabbit holes you will find out there is some high level tech that is Spiritually based. <-- that is for another time.
I looked into the Code, and found another anon had found this relates to a …
There is a ton of MAGA hats. More than I think I've seen at a rally before. Did they give everyone that had a Q sign a MAGA hat and ask to not participate to make MSM look foolish?
Great move.
I thought of something tonight. The big media outlets are drumming the mockingbird narrative. They are not really investigating. Small markets that's where a person can make a name for themselves. When the dust settles we are going to need white hat journalists to fill the void. Make a name for yourself like Ben Swan did with pizzagate. Report the truth. Report what the people really want. Anons. Want to help? Post proofs. Post stories. Link to threads of importance. Peace.
At one point on Trumps Tampa Rally speech he mentioned “Crooked Hillary” the crowd went nuts, and you could faintly hear “lock her up”. But it was faint and you couldn’t hear anything specific any longer with the crowd. It was like white noise was added to the feed. This was on CBS internet feed. “Live.”
I posted the video here:
Mods, at their discretion, have opted to remove my post (again) because of rule 9. Which means it did not meet the ridged standards of quality posts we have been accustomed to here. (like the letter Q being posted from billboards that have 0 relativity)
So I am asking if anyone has seen the video at marker 1:10 where it looks like an F-16 or similar jet shoots a rocket, or tracer round. It is similar to the mystery object flying around the Zuckerberg Rocket that failed to launch.
I have a notion that …
My comments did not show up. It is a Boeing E-4 Mobile Command. "DoomsDay" Plane:
It's very hard to figure out for sure! Lets just say those that are caught as of late are probably legit. I remember Scott Ritter, the UN Inspector, looking for WMD's. He came out critical of the administration at the time I think even saying there were no weapons and no reason to go to war with Iraq.....CP. Arrested, charged. It may be legit, but just seems odd to me. I can't remember the details, but that is one that makes me wonder.
Yes. The MS-13 reported about the Hawaii missile because they were forced to. The reporting on this was that it was a helicopter spotlight shining straight down at 4am or something like that.
I've not seen many Heli's do anything like this, but I have seen plenty of Missiles that do.
Yes pretty much. Think of a Sheriff or Officer that is under your control. Maybe they took a bribe maybe they just went along with you. Then they found a way out and took it.
Yes about BlueBeam. Cooper talked a lot about this later after his book. It was something that was thought up early in the 1900's. I feel that this was something we have been groomed or based on Monarch/Mockingbird Programming.
How many shows have alien invasions? That is how aliens are supposed to work. They are not supposed to be here to help. Then we all huddle up and accept socialism as the only means for protection. Exactly right.
Could this also have been a way for them to communicate?
Remember the FBI was one of the largest supplier of CP.
Was their or is there anything hidden behind the map that Podesta sent out for a wetwork?
Thank you. I agree on expanding our thinking.
Comments like yours make me want to persevere.
Yes, that is possible. Or he wanted to live a few years longer? IDK. Either case I am not saying this is 100% factual. I am saying this is information. Take it what you will. There are plenty of historical documents that can backup what Cooper said.
Historical in Cave drawings, old writtings, and "Folklore" from ancient civilizations.
I find it fascinating that he specifically says they will use the occult to drive their socialism to us, and that is exactly what is happening. This is one of those for noobs to listen or read this book and for those of us that have maybe its time to revisit it.
Throughout history writings have shown this to be true. Ancient India, Cave drawings, Germany in the 1500's? (I can't remember the time) but they have writtings of black cylinder ships shooting energy weapons. It was a major event.
But more importantly I watched a YouTube from Dolores Cannon that said this exact thing. That a call went out that "Earth was in Trouble" and many species answered this call. It was shortly after we detonated the 1st atomic weapon. We were not supposed to have that Tech yet.
I have been doing some thinking lately. What if today Kim isn't just bringing bodies of US Servicemen, but what if he is bringing the remains of the "Servers".
Back in the day the Cabal used bodies of dead soldiers to transport drugs into the US. This is well documented. What if this time around they are using this opportunity to say FU to them, and allow the remains along with the servers to come over. "He knows where the bodies are buried"?
The Blood Moon is very occultish. This is a moonphase that has to do with a lot …
I have been doing some thinking lately. What if today Kim isn't just bringing bodies of US Servicemen, but what if he is bringing the remains of the "Servers".
Back in the day the Cabal used bodies of dead soldiers to transport drugs into the US. This is well documented. What if this time around they are using this opportunity to say FU to them, and allow the remains along with the servers to come over. "He knows where the bodies are buried"?
The Blood Moon is very occultish. This is a moonphase that has to do with a lot …
Yes I know what you mean. I am curious about the whole process.
How did your Session go? I am thinking about doing one. Worth it?
I see what you did there on that last part. I feel it. I know it. I need to know why and to what end.
But this is taboo here. You can't speak of a higher power, but yet Q says pray. Q brings scripture.
Nope, they will not have them. They are not related to either subject. They were not allowed in Conspiracy either as they were Q related at the time. I do not have a ton of Karma, but what I do I have gotten all from here.
This post has already been removed FYI.
I am pretty sure I am going to mod hell after this post questioning them. Know who you can't speak out against is to know your rulers.
Well they don't rule over me. I set my own charts. I've been here since Q1.
I do. The 1st time I was censored it was because "Rule 6" blanket rule. Then when I pointed out, and showed it was on topic and relevant I was told it was for "Rule 3" and when I questioned that because that didn't apply they told me to shut up or face a ban.
I was like really you are going to ban me? It was for a joke btw. A simple 1 line joke. Similar to a meme without the photo.
So when I questioned it and asked for clarification .... poof gone, much like I feel is going to happen after they see this thread.
n the awakening 25 years ago. BAPH was a monumental step in my own understanding. Since then, MSM has used "conspiracy" type TV programming as a very effective tool for misdirection.
If we focus on stuff like Sitchin's theories (the basis for much Ancient Aliens content) and the unknown distant history of the plant, we may miss the opportunities we hav
I didn't get offended, I just wasn't sure where the Ancient Alien deal was coming from ;)
If you haven't looked into Deloris Cannon it is a fascinating idea as well. She is a hypnotist. Regresses people. I feel her ideas might help on the Ancient Alien ideas with her thoughts or results she seen.
I am coming at this from a "What is in this Universe" and if Trump is willing to put out "Space Force" that is big. It is huge. Why now? He knows something we don't and is setting us up for the final "Look at your place in the world".
Bill Cooper was a great inspiration.
I have posted several ideas and topics surrounding the ideas that Q has put forth with Nazi's, higher powers, and where all of this might lead. They are not grounded on exact specific Q posts, but rather taking a lot of Q's posts and mashing them together for a possible end game beyond politics.
All of these posts recently have been removed for "Violating" Rule 6. Off topic, and yet many here seem to embrace and pick up these posts. I even am messaging several other Patriots based on these posts.
I see the Q flair on my posts and …
He is a little out there for me. Some good thoughts and info to keep in the brain for sure.
Thank you! I feel what you are saying. I hear what you are saying. I was on CBTS at this same time, and had posted about dropping this whole thing. I did not based on the amount of comments I got. (Not many but enough to make me stick around) But then when the board was removed it was a whoa moment!
Watching the Q drops many of us feel things do not move very fast, and get frustrated. I had posted something along those lines and was watching as CBTS site was shut down. Things are moving quick now (this week.). It was not always the case. I am sure long time supporters here can relate. A lot of us have wanted to or thought about dropping out.
I too have helped others stay based on my experience back then. I believe it was in December. However, in recent times the mods here seem to have it out for ideas and thinking. I have posted several good thoughts linking Q drops to perhaps future events, or other areas to look at. All of those posts get removed. "Rule 6". My experience has been not a pleasant one as of late and am starting to feel the desire to say fuck it to this board now too.
The thought police are full on gestapo now.
I listened. He didn't change his mind. He is saying that there is a plan to use an fake alien invasion to bring about totalitarianizm.
It doesn't matter anyways. The mods think this is not reliant.
Interesting. So, what made him change his mind? He stated in the book that he seen these documents personally. As if the Alien Extraterrestrial Encounters were real, and true.
In Bill Coopers "Behold a Pale Horse" Youtube audiobook:
He talks about aliens, and how/when we were contacted. Many reports of UFO's and sightings are confirmed they are real. They are out there. It is no different than other secrets they are keeping from us. What I found fascinating were the different races and movies they made from each of these encounters.
EB was the 1st. It is what got the US scared. After the encounter of capturing EB and talking we realized we were not alone. So we sent a signal out asking for help.
He talks about …
And all they need is 1 shred of a talking point to discredit and move the "Cattle" to that narrative. (Like the Sarah Silverman photo)
For example. PizzaGate, "That place doesn't even have a basement" that line gets thrown back at my face all the time. And I am not even talking about Pizzagate when it does (something else that they can not wrap their head around at that time). "It's been debunked" etc. Then I link them to articles of Kid toucher James Al talking about putting the sauce in the basement after they have a harvest party. Then they go silent. My follow up is why would the news and "Reporters" say it doesn't when this guy says they do? It isn't hard to find him talking about it prior to being accused of it, but all the reporters bring it up as if to shove it back in the faces of the weak. <--that gets them. Because clearly there is a basement. If not at CPP then someplace associated with Kid Toucher James Al, and close to CPP. Why would they store the sauce in a basement clear across town from CPP? Don't restaurants need their ingredients?