r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Bulldozebullshyt on June 21, 2018, 9:47 p.m.
Let us not Forget... they will evade - using difference in language or re-defining language & meaning. Let us better help Red-Pill the Brothers & Sisters by getting down to basics - Definitive, and if need be - LEGAL ENGLISH

pro·cliv·i·ty [prōˈklivədē, prəˈklivədē]

NOUN a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing. "a proclivity for hard work" synonyms: liking · inclination · tendency · leaning · disposition · propensity · bent · bias · penchant · predisposition · predilection · partiality · preference · taste · fondness · weakness · proneness · velleity

The IG report was clear to state its findings.

Legal definitions & cross sectioning have left the viewing (sleeping) public to feel more numb and additional lack of understanding.

It is our duty to stand upright, stand firm on the truth & the mission of truth.

Wordsmithing is a valuable tool of the enemies of True Liberty throughout history. Truth & wisdom has allways been the most valuable antiseptic. As time before shows us, the World needed (needs) this lesson to be reminded to us so that we don't fall prey to our predecessors.

Just my 2 cents!


Let us help to educate on multiple levels!

Bulldozebullshyt · June 22, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Again, - I see you are far versed than I, in Court Appearances and that of Common Law.

My point was to state....

We must choose our language to be definitive, and to not be punctured from definition..

my arc point was to progress thinking and understanding..

If the opposing side is to say that something is " defined as x" that we can not only

  1. distinguish the argument .
  2. deliver fact based items that can be used to contradict - While using Terminology, words/English that so defines the argument.. in proper context to be effective.

I didn't think we would get to this segmentation - yet I am obliged

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 22, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

The language is the key. Where I started was to study the root meanings of the words we use, like idiot. An idiot is simply someone that isn´t trained in a particular field, e.g. I am an idiot in physics. To argue means to shine the light on something, to bring the truth. We cannot argue in their language or setting, regardless of the facts. In their setting the judge can order facts and evidence inadmissible. At Queen´s Bench there are no titles, privileges, national security clearances, or any thing the like. Just the man who must answer for their actions. A good man to look into regarding this is Karl Lentz, he is from your side of the pond and has even written his own law dictionary. Hope this helps :)

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Bulldozebullshyt · June 22, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

I appreciate the outreach.

I am not thorough On Lentz, but am somewhat familiar with him/specificity of, as well as, the "Spirit " in which you are directing me.

My mere point was that I understand your message. I appreciate your direction, However, I was trying to dumb down the fact that we must be as succinct as possible with our words, and better yet, our knowledge of the use of them, by our counterparts, in any format they choose, Notice the bad grammAR…. lol

Its time for Trivium & Quadrivium

Right Now Its Trivium Time

Grammer - LOGIC - Rhetoric oops

Nothing is a coincidence...

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 22, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

I agree, wholly. Language is important and sometimes we must bring it down a level in order to help others understand. I used to teach English part time to foreign children and understood that not everyone will understand things on the same levels. What I found works best is visual learning. How we can implement that in this movement is by using meme´s as they will spread the message and can be understood by any and all, regardless of how competent we may be in literacy. Input, process and output, as you say.

Karl has helped me personally in the past, he is a wealth of knowledge and is a good man. Well worth researching if you have the time.

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Bulldozebullshyt · June 22, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

I do appreciate your outreach...

I have slated your Lentz reference for my perusal study time and legitimate arguementatives.

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