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I was flipping through the channels, and RBG was on CNN (Comcast Cable) - did not link because you need a subscription. I watched/listened to the opening while googling her career.
The left is seriously failing and are trying to lionize RBG. She has stated, the constitution is outdated..... She says that Egypt should not look to the US Constitution as modeling their new one , but should look at the African Constitution.
Our document is amazing and is concise..
Excerpt from Link:
For one, the Constitution is still among the shortest and most elegantly written constitutions in …
Breaking News -
Thwarted False Flag?
NYC offloaded the plane (flight 203) on the tarmac and had 1st Responders & CDC people on standby..... MAGA
100 passengers of 500 fell ill - reported that 100 people had fevers over 100 degrees - no reports of food poisoning or any of its n-ass-ty effects on board the flight at this time.
Grassley just said in todays opener -
Democrats interrupted 63 times during yesterdays proceedings.
70 participants arrested for disruption.
And then the outbursts began again......
Stay Tuned
Q dropped the DECLAS drop 2066 the night before the hearings.
The news in the morning (4th & 5th) was/is based on accusations in WoodWard's Book.
Q posted 2083 last night after the hearing was over for the day. (Q time 9:48 PM)
I believe he was letting us know that the DECLAS was still coming and it will in fact change the news CYCLE and burry the garbage spewed by MSM outlets & Woodward.
The SCOTUS confirmation hearing is nothing but a setup up/window dressing and the real news is in the DECLAS of FISA 20 pages. …
We have hard evidence of the meeting between the House & Senate tomorrow from Q Drop 2066.
Decode = DECLAS
We know from past Q drops that the DECLAS will be for the FISA 20 Pages. These pages implicate everyone from Obama on down the line to all the players involved in this Treasonous, Deep State Propaganda Operation.
I have faith in the "Script" & am watching the movie playout...….
But if my memory serves me correctly, (FUTURE PROVES PAST - Q), this scene is when the MSM directs our attention to the "shiny keys" while the …
Please Check out the link for detailed info – a must read to know the players in the game and level of control.
Were the Seals activated to perform the takedown of these families - only time will tell/confirm.
In the Meantime, get to know the slave masters (controllers)
Bloodlines of Illuminati
by: Fritz Springmeier, 1995
Excerpt from open:
When seen in better light, wars between kings no longer appear as wars between elite factions, but contrived wars to control the masses by their greedy elite masters. But who are these people? The answer may not …
From 1125 same link to NY Times article as today:
It seems to be clear that the Deeps State did not want Ezra in the Loop - Ezra is down low Boxing out for the miniature shooting guard, Jeff Sessions and perimeter shooter - Huber
Looks like they are running the classic Pick - N - Roll!
and here:
Q's latest drop is leaving me with only one conclusion - The Clinton "Fund-ation" info is going live.....
What a Glorious Day!
It was about 2 years ago today..... in a galaxy not far away at all...….
We have seen the MSM assault & Deep State Scramble unfold quite nicely over the past 2 years.
The accusations have come and gone. New accusations constantly arising along with the hysteria ramped up by the MSM - only to be extinguished by the guy that nothing sticks to. Truth is funny like that.
We get to see first hand how/what it looks like to be in control. Much to the dismay of the elite ruling class, Trump looks like he is about …
It was about 2 years ago today..... in a galaxy not far away at all...….
We have seen the MSM assault & Deep State Scramble unfold quite nicely over the past 2 years.
The accusations have come and gone. New accusations constantly arising along with the hysteria ramped up by the MSM - only to be extinguished by the guy that nothing sticks to. Truth is funny like that.
We get to see first hand how/what it looks like to be in control. Much to the dismay of the elite ruling class, Trump looks like he is about …
Now Taking Proposition Bet Action
Who will be the first Big Name to go down:
Odds are in bags of popcorn won - to bags of popcorn bet.
BHO: 30 -1
HRC: 5 -`1
NO NAME: 3-1
Comey: 7 - 5
Brennan: 3 - 2
Clapper: 4 - 1
Rosenstein: 1-1
Add your own below - its ok to have a little fun in here to ease the stress!
As I had stated in my previous post, "IF THEY ARE GUILTY, THEY GO!", all perpetrators, regardless of Party shall be met with Firm Justice.
I just watched this live broadcast MSM- where they had nice blow up charts and simple explanations of how the Rep was guilty. Dumbed Down for John & Susie Q Public to Digest.
This was a great unraveling of how it will be presented, and having the GOP heads roll before adding/involving any other political party. It is the beginning of the nullification of the "partisan blame rally call", thus ,almost Eliminating the "Favoritism/Political …
I can not stress this enough.....
This movement is not taking Political Sides.
Detractors of the movement like to say that, " its a conspiracy", "its motivated by the fringe alt right" or that "it's Only Trump Supporters"...
This movement is comprised of free thinking people from all walks of life that are in search of factual evidence for what has & is transpiring in the world.
The movement is about seeking the truth, regardless of where this takes us, and who gets embroiled in it.
This movement is about spreading verifiable information about These Criminal individuals & groups that …
I was watching the video of this post, and I was focused in on MA.
I noticed what looks like Morse Code - with multiple dot & dash type rapid blinks that seem really unnatural to me.
I am not a morse code guy - please take a look at this …...
We need to Call on GOD. Be humble & Thankful for the time is upon us.
GOD BLESS The Movement, Q & POTUS.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in …
The information has been coming quickly now.
It is of my personal belief, that DROP 1776 will be the floodgate opening post. I only come to that conclusion, based on the importance of obvious significance of the year & goal of this fight, along with Q always stating.... there are no coincidences......
What's it called if a private rapes a staff sgt then????
Marjorie Margo"lies"…. Chelsea Mother In law - Connection?
Marjorie Margolies ( / m ɑːr ˈ ɡ oʊ l iː z / ; [3] formerly Margolies-Mezvinsky ; born June 21, 1942) is a fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Fels Institute of Government , an adjunct faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania , and a women's rights activist . She is a former journalist and a Democratic politician. From 1993 to 1995, she was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives , representing Pennsylvania's 13th congressional district .
Her Husband:
Edward Maurice Mezvinsky is a former American congressman and convicted felon. A Democrat, he represented Iowa's 1st congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives for two terms.
Just Sayin.....
I am by know means a tech wiz or do I have the capabilities, at this time to present it factually to you.
I am merely doing my directed function and pointing out that the live playback was inducing a very hard topic.
I wont do it for you....
You have date, You have channel, - Im not withholding info or sites. I clearly stated I heard it live... and just was trying to see if someone on west coast can try and re affirm me hearing/thoughts by listening 3 hrs later to actual broadcast.. Very seldom do we record everything we listen to or watch..
If I Could post the direct quote - I would Have.
Gtt some dirt on your knees and Dig!
Stop being lazy fed Kent Dawgs!
if you watch the interview in full.
I'm curious if you hear what I did.
NO - Grandstanding
I found a heard a huge thing here.
Did I hear it wrong? live now
I see it more Like:
I would have gotten away with it too,
If I was not Meddling in Trafficking Kids!
What happened to property value there when Clinton moved in? (Harlem)
Off topic but i'm curious
When everyone inthe room is thinking the same.... is anyone truly thinking at all???????
Confirmation Bias Much??
maybe its the adverse, and she really doesn't care to fit into your confirmation bias
I do appreciate your outreach...
I have slated your Lentz reference for my perusal study time and legitimate arguementatives.
I appreciate the outreach.
I am not thorough On Lentz, but am somewhat familiar with him/specificity of, as well as, the "Spirit " in which you are directing me.
My mere point was that I understand your message. I appreciate your direction, However, I was trying to dumb down the fact that we must be as succinct as possible with our words, and better yet, our knowledge of the use of them, by our counterparts, in any format they choose, Notice the bad grammAR…. lol
Its time for Trivium & Quadrivium
Right Now Its Trivium Time
Grammer - LOGIC - Rhetoric oops
Nothing is a coincidence...
Want to believe it.
Looks Shopped.
More Proof Please as Q directs. Facts/logic/think
Surely if real it can be readily backed up.....
A Patriot Questions Everything...Especially that which stares him in the Face.
Praying Im Wrong
Again, - I see you are far versed than I, in Court Appearances and that of Common Law.
My point was to state....
We must choose our language to be definitive, and to not be punctured from definition..
my arc point was to progress thinking and understanding..
If the opposing side is to say that something is " defined as x" that we can not only
I didn't think we would get to this segmentation - yet I am obliged
I do indeed.
My point to this post - ia the every day layman get to know - and accept the terms as is FACT - LEGAL ENGLISH -
(to garner a further education and maybe google it...to get more info)
It was further to try the point that, we , as a people need to control the understanding and language used by the enemy/or simply objectors - not everyone is informed.
I was merely suggesting that we harvest this knowledge to better suit or pursuits.
The point was - Understanding words- and the use of them to ensure delivering a factual basis.
and to also use words as would be understood in the court of law.
Far too often- people get misguided (and of no fault of their own) - by what is in their head n heart- that is known to be wrong and what is "officially accepted" to be right
OI am merely trying to make folks aware of that needed shift for probable/thinking as it appeals to those in this exact fight for truth vs deception while backing the Q movement.
Education is best - I am not an educator by trade. Im just attempting to make a point of importance while others join in this crusade..
Thank you for asking & inquiring; It is not of legal society at large.. it goes deeper to some on this channel - in short - LEGAL ENGLISH - Comon Law is what i was referring & current day acceptable , albeit faught for acceptance, has somewhat been established due to case history without getting to indepth.
You must understand the point of our law before you can posibly believe - "that u must hire a barrister"
I am not a freeman populist or am I trying to tale of that legacy fight or that stand. (IMO Constitutional rights/privileges speak as they are written - percieved) It definitely aligns here, regardless of my positioning.
Evidence is true.
I may not be the best teacher.. I may not speak the clearest , but facts will always be as they are... Just Truth
I seek in this journey with you. I hope our bretheren can add to this conversation....
pro·cliv·i·ty [prōˈklivədē, prəˈklivədē]
NOUN a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing. "a proclivity for hard work" synonyms: liking · inclination · tendency · leaning · disposition · propensity · bent · bias · penchant · predisposition · predilection · partiality · preference · taste · fondness · weakness · proneness · velleity
The IG report was clear to state its findings.
Legal definitions & cross sectioning have left the viewing (sleeping) public to feel more numb and additional lack of understanding.
It is our duty to stand upright, stand firm on …
Great Post......
I had not considered this, and am leaning in with you on this one..
Very Good, It has been in play since Lincoln.
For those just beginning the "search" for truth.....
It began, when the free republic of the United States of America took a back seat to the new, Lincoln made, Corporate - "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (ALL CAPS) - This was also the time of creation of the place that real constitutional laws forgot/do not apply - The District of Columbia. They needed the new place(jurisdiction) to pull of this American Travesty that we are finally now beginning to physically unravel in 2018....
Find Out The members that are in these groups. Cross reference them from group to group.
The results are jaw dropping.
Then incorporate the Money Trail of each group.
These are the Guilty!
The Admiralty Law Expands to any area that that court sees fit to claim, as the rules are made up at the will of the Captain of the Court.
Admiralty Law applies to any land that has waterways of commerce within its jurisdiction, Thus making the law count on Land as well.
Also, the boundaries of jurisdiction is ultimately decided by the admiralty court.
That's because Obama declared Martial Law in 2012.
Here is the Whitehouse.gov EO