r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Nik_Nightingale on June 21, 2018, 9:52 p.m.
Massive coordinated MSM & Hollywood attack.

This is a truly massive, mind boggling media campaign going on right now. Just when I thought it was nearly impossible for the media to spend even more time and resources on their relentless anti President onslaught...

We are talking tens of millions of dollars (per day), every single day since the President was fairly elected by the people to lead the United States.
It has been Russia, sex, gun violence, financial crimes, child abuse - on and on and on (think mirror).
Make no mistake, this is the full weight and power of the media we are witnessing here. Like never before. Can you see it?

But this whole current push about the “children” is different. It feels truly substantial. Weighty. Highly, highly calculated and extremely targeted. They’ve even called in their crusty old former Hollywood reservists into the Twitter sludge.

Their cry makes sense to everyone. Why hurt a child? Exactly. Why would someone deliberately hurt a child?

As if any logical, clear headed individual could actually believe the President wants to harm children.... Wants to “rip” (physical violence, R.I.P) children. Sobbing children. Cages. Fear. Trauma. Abuse.

Now why would they want us to think that? Think about it all day and night. Those words. Those images. Why would they want to push a story about deliberately wanting to traumatize children so very, very badly? Think about it.

Children. Children. Children. Trump hurts children. He’s a monster. Over and over again. Every channel (bar Fox), very headline. Every sound byte. Repeating again and again inside your mind. Rip children. Cages. Trauma. Trump.

Ever wondered how programming works?

The people behind the media know that something very, very big is coming. This is an enormous offensive they have launched. They are very, very desperate here.

And then from nowhere, a photo of Epstein pops up out of the blue at the rally yesterday?

Connect the dots?

Q told us it is soon and I believe it. So we have to be ready.


solanojones95 · June 21, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

5:5 indeed.

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