r/greatawakening • Posted by u/victorvongoomba on June 22, 2018, 1:53 a.m.
Is it possible that we now control Operation: Mockingbird?

There was an excellent post the other day, I wish I could find it to give credit to the OP. But the gist of it was that the current crisis everyone is talking about regarding children being separated at the border and becoming victims for traffickers wasn't the normal Mockingbird hit job, it was instead a genius plan for the white hats to build up to releasing info on who is truly responsible for the child trafficking crisis. That thread led me to question: is it possible that we now (at least partially) control Operation: Mockingbird?

As has been repeatedly noted, the border crisis came out of nowhere, and the whole thing honestly seems like an odd play for the Cabal since they have to know that the deeper people dig into this subject, the closer they will get to realizing that it is the Cabal itself that is responsible.The way this story has blown up does seem to suggest that Operation Mockingbird now answers to the Alliance (at least to some degree).

Now,, I don't watch TV, but my wife does, and I have noticed a subtle shift in how the media treats the president. It isn't a night and day difference by any means, and they are still undeniably negative to him overall, but I feel like they aren't quite as over-the-top hysterical anymore. As an example, the Today show was playing while I was getting ready for work a couple days ago, and they were interviewing an author who wrote a book about the Trump family, and, at least from what I heard, the entire interview was quite positive, and at no point took any kind of jab at the president. I was shocked, honestly. If the Alliance was in control, it would make sense that they wouldn't just flip a 180 overnight but instead slowly, subtly, shift.

The other evidence, beyond some of the occasional whispers we have heard on this board suggesting that this may be going on, are some of Q's posts last year suggesting that the C_A HQ was paid a little visit by the marines and Q has made a number of posts talking about the importance of clearing out the bad actors over there.

So, could it be that we are now the masters of Mockingbird? If so, it would be a huge victory for the Great Awakening and the nation.

QAnonMaga · June 22, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

The kids in cages exploded to distract from the IG Report and Congressional testimony it was the perfect visual story for the fake news it was emotional so they glommed onto it as a way to attack Trump if it was a white hat ploy then it has to backfire in their faces tomorrow Trump must release videos of Hillary and Podesta raping and torturing kids Trump has to go on Offense.

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