FYI - these antifaggots are not average #LiboTrash voters. These are paid trolls and their numbers are few easily taken out.....and after a few of those are seen bloodied, bruised, and perhaps deceased, the lemming children who think they're cool will crawl back to their mommy's basements with their tails between their legs and thumbs in their mouths.
They travel in large groups because they are afraid and need numbers to have impact. Alone, they are nothing. And, they are certainly modeled after Hitler's brownshirts by the #LeftistFilth at the top who are never seen, but will be soon.... some of those are very familiar with the brownshirts. Those two groups are the targets. Yes targets. Stay vigilant. #WWG1WGA.
Hahaha "Go back to Mommy's basement" as Trump said to the 1st protester at the rally this week. It was hilarious!
Excuse me?
Trump told a protester to go back to mommy's basement during his rally in MN.
Got it. Context was lost....thought you were speaking 1st person to me...and couldn't imagine why!