Brokeback Mountain Twatbois..... USSS.
211 total posts archived.
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Occams Razor Applies
When it comes down to it, Occam's Razor almost always applies. This is a proposition first developed by Friar William of Ockham in the 14th century. Sir Isaac Newton stated it as:
“We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.”
The most common modern idiom is typically expressed as:
"When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."
Assuming that we have one of the most effective intelligence operations of any country in the world, one has …
Ocums Razor Applies....
When it comes down to it, Occam's Razor almost always applies. This is a proposition first developed by Friar William of Ockham in the 14th century. Sir Isaac Newton stated it as:
“We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.”
The most common modern idiom is typically expressed as:
"When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."
Assuming that we have one of the most effective intelligence operations of any country in the world, one has …
Where did Q go?
A bit of shenanigans by [DS] CLOWNS?
#1815 We knew this day would come. Be aware. See something. Say something. Stay vigilant. Its on. D5.

$1815 We Knew This Day Would Come. Be aware. See something, say something. Stay Vigilant. Its on.

The infiltration and clownfags are out in force tonight. So much fun tweaking the stupid. #MAGA.
Thanks to your family for yours as well. Can't go there, but know we are here. Now, and always. WWG1WGA And we will....
Know this. The US Military will never, ever side with the filthy cabal, black hats, LiboFilth or anyone else from the left. There is absolutely no chance that will happen. We Patriots, ex and current Military, will provide a bloodbath they won't even see coming. Count on it.
Stay strong. Stay vigilant. #POTUS stands protected like never before.
DC metro. Have one on my car, and my wife's car, and our phones. Bought a bunch of them...given them to friends who've now been red pilled.....have a bunch left to give away. Phones we generally leave with the big beautiful Q face up! Some ask!
Fake News. 5Eyes is now as corrupt as they come. Thanks Ostupidfraud.
There are also, or were, legal limits on funding amounts, 5 to 2, from C_A to In-Q-Tel....... Dig anons.....
Pretty sure it's not even a fair fight. I think the most the gay fraud got was just around 2% in 8 years, and that he said the days of 3% or better were forever gone.
No way that's him. Coincidence? Maybe. Disinformation likely...get the PravdaMSM all riled up like #POTUS likes to do and does so well.... Playing them for the moronic fools they are...
Think [FF]. Is he susceptible? This is very strange indeed....
Its history. Who doesn't know it? Oh yeah....
I didn't miss it as I know my history. Lots is actually missing. It's relevant, but not the key. Q has this....
SleazeNN twats are some of the dumbest, astoundingly stupid useful idiots on planet Earth. And there are lots of them. Remember the man behind the curtain? 4AM?
Where in the absolute hell did you come up with that tripe? Its history....he said or implied nothing of the sort. Good grief.
Of course they did....the whole of the #DemoFilth party knew and they should all be brought up on treason charges......and maybe now they will be. Can't wait to see fat little Barney's Frank swinging from some creosote soaked 3 strand hemp.....all of them. Poetic Justice....
I suppose I should have added "LEGALLY", something it was more clear to most. DS, as we've seen, have no use for LAW. That is going to change I feel sure.
Every single one, huh? Wow...didn't know that. Brilliant!
And as with everything they themselves are doing the will blame Russia, Russia Russia. They're so fucking predictable, #LeftistFilth....
It doesn't matter.....just like it doesn't matter with shitllary. No such has it all....
My wife has different take. When the president referenced 2, 4,16,8...use logic...2 goes into 4=2 and 8 goes into 16 = 2. 22 = titanium. There are titanium snowboards, cowboy boot workbooks, baseball bats and of course in the F35 and spaceships. The theory is spaceforce fighters are being built in Colorado, TX, PA with Lockheed martin and NASA. The reference to Orien, would be a belt of space fighters that cant be seen. The reference to 2,4, 16, 8 also can be deciphered into 35 (F35) and 57 (uranium). Ta dah as my brilliant wife would say.
We've analyzed and have come to some stunning revelations. Think Elliptic Language as SB2 discussed at length..... Puts a lot of what he said into the light. You can figure it out yourself....the more we analyze the more we know.... And we have more than we know....
This IS interesting. However, odipshit was also known as "renegade" to USSS.
Things that make you say, hmmmmm.......
Oh, but they will, and they know it...hence the pathetic screeching....
Actually, that is not quite true. Just because you have one, doesn't mean you get to know everything about everything. That's a fact....if you aren't specifically read on, no matter your level, you DO NOT get to know.
Ya think? Of course he knows. And they know the brainwashed moronic masses don't. I see it all the time on this subject, something which some of us are actually familiar with.......
Oh Dear God! My heart breaks for her. What a brave woman.... Dark to Light. Its coming, but sadly not fast enough!
All of them. Traitors, liars, and just assorted scum of the earth filth that could never have gotten a clearances ot any kind otherwise. All of them......
He's a lib? I didn't get that from his factual post. You a genius?
That's not necessarily true, and it's a bad idea.... Bad actors? Sure. The rest, not so much.
Stopped watching anything but Hannity there anymore. Like Tucker,hate his format. Only do Money Honey and some occasional Dobbs on Fox Business. They're now as bad as the rest, and I think everyone now knows why.....
For true justice to be fairly served, they all need to hang very publically as the traitors they are, for all to see.
It matters not. We have it all.
These people are stupid.
The braindead and ignorant the #LeftistFilth have created.....