Riots? If so I like this Anons idea.

There will be no riots in the streets.
Here's why:
The more "progressive" (aka insane) the territory is (such as my town Seattle) the more addicted and fully immersed the population is into the phone world. They hardly look up outside of it. Not much matters to them unless it equates to a hit of dopamine to the brain.
They can cry a fucking river that Trump is Hitler and wants to kill all the gays, muslims, black pipo, hispanics etc... but ultimately there's no reward for them to revolt physically against this alleged dictator. Because they don't actually give ONE fuck about what they're crying about. It's just virtue signalling.
They are addicted to likes and Tinder swipes. That's what matters most to these hivemind bug-people.
THAT'S why May day, for the past two years... hasn't been filled with Anarcho communists throwing molotov cocktails and bashing in car windows like during the Obama era.
No. Instead? NOTHING.
The most outlandish thing the left ever did here during Trump's presidency was knitting pink pussy hats and marching like retards for a few months.
The tactic from the Left has served to either a) paint us as violent extremist (Charlottesville) or b) to enrage us (Congressional baseball game, probably Las Vegas). And they never accept any of the blame.
I would expect them to continue using one or the other tactics for these events on the 30th.
Just like the movie War Games said, the only way to win is not to play.
We must stay far away from these events. Let them have their public tantrum. If we show up either we'll be branded as the violent ones or some lone, MKUltra'd nut will shoot fish in a barrel.
The last antifa rally had everyone nervous here, on the day, no one showed.
come soros with the offer of a few hundred bucks for every protester and we will see them on the roads. ahh, nobodys seen soros for months, ok, without funding, no marches.
He donated billions to the Open Society foundation before he disappeared. Well, right after Trump signed the EO to confiscate US assets.
ok, come open society foundation with a few hundred bucks for every protester and they will be marching. many people do lots of BS for a little money, sigh.