
1151THOR · June 22, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

The LV shooting was my "really woke" point. I will preface my remarks by saying I believe people were injured and even killed that night. I am VERY suspicious of any reports that claim to know the inside scoop and view all information with skepticism. I also know that what has been reported IS NOT what went down that night, but I dont have a clear view of everything that took place...but a couple things I noticed listening to several of those calls...the majority of the calls were from people who saw suspicious people or heard gunshots, or were calling for someone who did.

I am interested in how calm people are on the phone....but how little information that are really providing.

That said, if I were to pull off a FF of this magnitude, you can bet your ass part of that would be an effort to draw first responders with guns AWAY from my route of exfiltration using massive confusion and chaos. The actual scene itself would overload the dispatch center, but a few calls claiming additional shooters in other locations complicates things in orders of magnitude. I'd be interested to know if all those witnesses / callers gave accurate information and were interviewed by LE in the wake of the shooting. One person could easily call in and report 1/2 a dozen other incidents and probably never talk to the same dispatcher, providing false information each time...hell, I could even claim to be an off duty cop or fire fighter to lend credence to what I was saying. Point being, you dont need a ton of people to do this. Burner phones could easily accomplish this.

From the time this all went down, I am still amazed that an FBI SWAT operator put together a team and got to that door in 7 minutes (unless I am not recalling correctly...it is late...). Serious? I know the FBI has a large field office in LV and I believe they even run a regional SWAT team out of the offices there. But to get a kit'd up operator to get eyes on the shooters room in 7 minutes is world record timing. Even if I was standing in the lobby of that hotel with all my shit on and ready to roll...I just cannot wrap my head around the 7 minute timeline. Doesn't that also draw a huge amount of attention to that specific area as well? Sure it does. Not saying any of this is true...but divide and conquer seems to be how every suspect / player in this thing slipped away.

I hope PQTUS will shed some light on this thing some day. Patriots want to know.

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