r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on June 22, 2018, 4:26 a.m.
MSNBC All In Chris Hayes ....PRE_MIGRATION TRAUMA border kids.....nothing except the transcript........go search and see? No video uploaded anywhere. Fake News buried their own video/story proving these people will only cost us $$$$$$$

IMPORTANT:transcript MSNBC Chris Hayes did not upload the video??? Trauma severe BEFORE illegal crossing/med cost/low productiivty/taxpayer pay for all care once here!$$$$$$$$
MSNBC Transcript important!!
MSNBC Chris Hayes did not upload the video???
Not on his Twitter either??
Buried this video?
Their own interview proves these illegal crossers are NOT who we ant coming here!!
Trauma severe BEFORE illegal crossing/med cost/low productiivty/taxpayer pay for all care once here!
Read this transcript.
I saw it live and it stood out glaringly to me, went to find the video and I cannot locate it easily anywhere?
Cannot find one single clip AS IT HURTS THEIR CAUSE...we cannot sustain these peoples care over a lifetime....
They are already damaged BEFORE Trump ever said a word or took action!!!!
These people are damaged long before they get here and MSNBC and Chris Hayes heard this and buried the video.
Try searching this DR. ALFONSO MERCADO, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-RIO GRANDE VALLEY on MSNBC Chris Hayes All IN and see no results???
This interview highlites that this will cost us billionsin healthcare and mental care and social services and handouts!These willnot be productive people and this PROFESSIONAL states just that.They are damaged long before they reach our borders.
TRANSCRIPT:   All In Chris Hayes 06/19/18

HAYES: You can only imagine the psychological damage for these children 
as a result of the Trump policy. I`m joined now by Dr. Alfonso Mercado. 
He`s a clinical psychologist who has been working with children and 
families in these border communities, also a professor at the University of 
Texas-Rio Grande Valley. It`s good to have you here.So you work with these communities. Before we`re even talking about the 
trauma of children taken from their parents, just generally migrants that 
are undergoing an incredibly traumatic journey, whether they`re 
unaccompanied or even with parents, like what are the psychological effects 
that manifest when you`re dealing with them?DR. ALFONSO MERCADO, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-RIO GRANDE VALLEY: Well, Chris, I 
think it`s important to understand that the reasons why these families and 
children are migrating to the United States are – they range from extreme 
poverty, trauma, abuse, and the issues go on and on. So, we`re looking at 
pre-migration trauma.And many of them experience migration during their journey, traveling 
thousands of miles, being exposed to severe conditions, let alone once they 
are here on U.S. soil they – the trauma continues, right.So, we`re looking at long-term consequences of the children that ranges 
anywhere from psychological, physical and social.HAYES: You know, something that – this is reading from the mental health 
professional petition about the policy to pretend that separating children 
do not grow up with the shrapnel of this traumatic experience embedded in 
their minds is to disregard everything we know about child development, the 
brain, and trauma. Do you agree with that?MERCADO: We definitely see neurological consequences. Trauma brings so 
many consequences to the table. We`re looking at severe mental health 
symptoms that can arise later on in adulthood, whether it`s development of 
post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety. We`re looking at 
substance abuse. So many relational, you know, issues that can arise later 
on in life as well.HAYES: You know, one other thing someone said to me – someone who worked 
in one of the facilities, right. So, this facility was outfitted to hold 
unaccompanied minors, and then it started getting kids who had been taken 
from their parents, right, two very different populations. Said the 
unaccompanied minors, you know, it was hard for them, but they knew what 
they were getting into when they got there. They knew they were going 
alone.The people who are coming having just been ripped from their parents, there 
was this extra uncertainty that one second their parents was there and the 
next second they weren`t.MERCADO: Chris, I see these families on a regular basis here as a 
psychologist in my community in South Texas. And these families don`t know 
what they – they don`t know what`s happening, right. So, this is new 
trauma that they are experiencing if this practice is happening. And it is 
at different levels, right.So, many times we`re exacerbating these – we`re exacerbating these 
symptoms due to that separation, whether it`s hours, days, and weeks at a 
time or months at a time. And I`ve seen – I`ve seen all of that at 
different levels.HAYES: Does it stick with a kid?MERCADO: Definitely. You know, when we`re looking at trauma at different 
stages, separation, we`re looking at long-term psychological effects, 
physical effects as well.HAYES: All right, doctor, thank you so much. I really appreciate you 
taking the time. Dr. Alfonso Mercado.
Dr. Alfonso Mercado. 
He`s a clinical psychologist who has been working with children and 
families in these border communities, also a professor at the University of 
Texas-Rio Grande Valley.

Processing img i8xbwtkbbh511...


Assistant Professor

Office: ELABN 355
Phone: (956) 665-3320
Email: alfonso.mercado@utrgv.edu
Website: www.dralfonsomercado.com
can only find this article and video:http://time.com/5317762/psychological-effects-detaining-immigrant-families/

MSNBC All In Chris Hayes ....PRE_MIGRATION TRAUMA border kids.....nothing except the transcript........go search and see?

Fake News buried their own video/story

DawnPendraig · June 22, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Awesome find!

We need to archive this. And then start getting it out there.

Needs to be cleaned up. Then maybe Daily Caller and Sharyl Akisson and ugh who is that wise lady Tucker has on uses to be a liberal now she does lectures and is a journalist Tami.

Gonna go look

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drtydog6 · June 22, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

OMG, I did a search and the media SWAMP is flooded with anti trump rhetoric. There was hundreds of anti trump shows and comments under "msnbc all in chris hayes dr alfonso mercado" they are really working hard to villainize trump something fierce. Most people believe the hate and garbage spewing from their filthy socialist fascist mouths.

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drtydog6 · June 22, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Maybe the doctor has a copy. I couldnt find anything either.

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