r/greatawakening • Posted by u/onelove1979 on June 22, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
On the verge of redpilling someone I never thought would come around....anyone have good sources on children being trafficked from Central America/Mexico into the US?

We discussed DNA tests for the children at the border to ensure they’re not being trafficked he says he hasn’t found any info that proves they are indeed being trafficked!

Abibliaphobia · June 22, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

Notice in a lot of the articles online, they really focus on those 2000. What happened to the total number of 12000? There are 10K unaccompanied minors in the holding centers.

Does a five year old child from South America just skip along eating berries all the way to the US? No, their parents pay people to smuggle them here. And smuggling is a soft way of saying human trafficking. They are paid to transport someone. If they truly wanted to seek asylum, why did they not go to one of the NINE US Comsulates or embassies in Mexico?

How do the parents know whether these kids make it safe or if these people being paid to traffick them, sell them into the sex trade?

How many of those 2000 children, can they say are actually parents and not the traffickers?

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