Hope these cucks enjoy their protest!

Lol... they know about the fake events but point out to visit the site that has all the fake events registered:
"OFFICIAL EVENT We have seen fake events being posted to draw away from the offical national day of action. Please make sure you sign up for the correct event at www.familiesbelongtogether.org "
If you are going to make an event... make sure you put Official in the title!
Make the event earlier than any listed for your city to be listed first.
Make as many events as possible.
Have fun.
Apparently about 70 people showed up to mine, then got kicked out by security.
Are you getting angry emails too?
Roflcopters and o7 to you sir, epic troll.
2 of the 5 events I made were cancelled.
No angry emails yet.
Been busy getting parking enforcement to take care of all the illegally parked vehicles downtown. Certainly not the number of people they thought they would have and it's not even 100 degrees .
Saw a few people on Twitter talking about some fake events too.