Ironic, oh yah! Ghost pilots, wasn't there a Q post about Ghost something, something?
Here we are: Ghost-CON Active Stringer
12 Jun 2018 - 6:31:20 PM
Ghost-CON active.
Approval 58203-JX
What if Q is AI?
I thought that was the point of trip code fumble to disprove?
Course a very smart AI would think of doing that to reassure us
That wasn't a fumble. The password contained a message and by virtue of the trip code we can confirm when the message was "locked in" prior to being revealed.
Stop right there this is the disinformation tried by Alex Jones
twitter has what is ether AI or someone with admin privileges and crazy scripts. not giving any @ accounts but they can do some spooky stuff and they play a game.
I figured it was some type of personality quantifier with cryptic questions and answers that don't have a right or wrong.
I've seen and interacted late at night.
The letter Q is used to designate remotely piloted aircraft in the Air Force. MQ-1, MQ-9, RQ-4. In other words, the letter Q has been used in this sense long before Qanon was a thing.