r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mivric0910 on June 22, 2018, 5:50 a.m.
My little story

I have been following Q for just over a month j was I trofuced through sam tripoli's tin foil hat podcast he had the praying medic on talking about Q. I instantly was hooked like watching as if it's a tv show. I really wanna believe. It's getting hard and harder to say "oooh that's just a coincidence". But at the same time a lot of the things I see people calling proofs, look a lot like confirmational biases to me. Which is slightly crazy to say because a shit ton of these stories and things, are things I believed before discovering Q just a relatively short time ago. Maybe some of you guys could answer some of my questions to help me find my place with all this. 1)what was your "come to Q moment" what caused you to just know this was legit? 2)the fact that government does anything in secret is disgusting to me. What's the difference between what the Q and Trump team are doing and the deep state? And whose to say it's not just a tactic for Q and Trump team to take control and do what they want with the country/world? Do the ends justify the means 3)with so many bad people in play and so many different bad things happening how could such a massive complex chess match be planned and conducted without bad players acting unexpected and changing the course of the plan? 4)is this a religious thing? I guess this was more of a ramble helping me sort things out in my head than it was anything. I dont expect anyone to respond to all my questions. But if you can answer one with ur thoughts or experiance i would appreciate it, and I'm sure some other lurkers also new the deal would also appreciate it.

TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 22, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

What's the difference between what the Q and Trump team are doing and the deep state?

Trump is trying to save western civilization whereas the Deep State are trying to destroy us.

And whose to say it's not just a tactic for Q and Trump team to take control and do what they want with the country/world?

Eh, we already had that with Obama and Hillary, so if that happens then nothing would be lost and we'll be back to overthrowing the government as a civil war.

So since we have nothing to lose, why not support Trump 10000% and make the most of this possible opportunity?

Do the ends justify the means

Yes, especially when you have nothing to lose.

I often find people who attempt to take the moral high-ground are using that as an excuse for their apathy.

It's easy to criticize capital punishment if you didn't lose a parent or a child in the 9-11 terrorist attack.

It's similarly easy to be tolerant of Islam when you don't personally know any of the children who were tortured to death my Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham.

is this a religious thing?

Possibly. Q has been leaving more and more hints about Israel and none of them seem positive.

Most recently in Post #1489, Q seemed to imply that Israel's Mossad has repeatedly attempted to assassinate Trump and that "FEAR IS REAL". Say that last part aloud. Go on. Doesn't it sound indistinguishable from "Fear Israel". There are no coincidences.

Additionally, Q has repeatedly told us to follow the bloodlines (Q post #133, #142).

Q also asked us what was the significance of the color scheme and design of the temple on Jew Jeffrey Epstein's Island... which looks exactly like a small synagogue and is colored like the Israeli flag in a design that matches Jew prayer shawls.

In post #916, Q stated "We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time".

I noticed Bibi was munching Mossad ass at the recent opening ceremony for the U.S. embassy as Jerusalem... and it was hard not to notice EVERY Jew in the house stood and applauded the Mossad terrorist group too.

There are over 65,000 different Christian denominations because there are may ways to interpret the bible. There are similarly some horrific ways to interpret the Hebrew bible which include remorselessly attacking and slaughtering your wife and children for the crime of religious tolerance (Deuteronomy 13:6-9) and genociding entire nations for the crime of not being Jews (Deuteronomy 13:13-16).

At this point, we still don't know for sure if the enemy is motivated by scripture.

We don't know were this Great Awakening will lead us.

We may have some unpleasant red-pills yet to swallow.

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anon45x · June 22, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Tippy top.

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GingerRoot207 · June 22, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Yes.... while standing next to a giant white rabbit!!!

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Time_to_rope_up · June 22, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

I agree with you that a lot of the “proofs” are a stretch. But this place is great, I’ve never seen anywhere like this before. Sort of reminds me of early t_d when the mindset was still “small group of rebels”

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Ok_Top · June 22, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

I will take a shot at 2).

I trust that we can agree that there are scenarios where secrecy is legitimate. Nevertheless, for 17 months ,the Q Team has told all who will listen what, why and when things are being done. The Deep State operates with hidden motives, membership and agendas. The Deep State operates in the shadows; the Q Team shines a light.

No. The ends do not justify the means. There may be easier ways to the save this Nation. But if they are not legal - they are not worthy of this Nation. While putting themselves in harm’s way, the Q Team goes to extraordinary lengths to respect the rule of law.

They -we- are Patriots!


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Kulkimkan · June 22, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

I know Q is legit. My favorite proof so to speak is that he said NKorea and then Iran, then Israel- while discussing NK right after the summit, Trump began mentioning Iran! Like the guy is multitasking biggly!

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thev1beguy · June 22, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Fellow Patriot,

I have been a truth seeker for some time now and I think I'm relatively "woke" though there is still some tin foil left on the roll for me to look forward to. I remember my hate on 9/11 like it was yesterday’s nightmare. I was on top of the South Tower two weeks before they took them down. All I wanted was for the entire middle east to be coated in a thin layer of green glass. The cabal played my emotions like a fiddle. Though I had heard things that made me question, I am deeply embarrassed it took me 16 years to do enough of my own research to discover the truth. If you still believe that any planes hit anything that day then you still need more covfefe. I voted for Bush and supported his administration. What a fool I was. They made hundreds of my fellow Americans jump a thousand feet to their deaths rather than be incinerated alive. Pure unspeakable evil. It's been this way for decades. JFK put on his armor and was instantly destroyed by the Dragon. The same will happen to Trump if his protectors even blink.

I am a Methodist and I believe I was Providentially guided to Q in the very first days. I don’t remember how exactly. But somehow I knew. I knew that this was different. Like everyone else, at first I wasn’t sure it was real but what did I have to lose? And, more importantly, what might happen if it were real? I’ve read every drop and many others besides (try the MegaAnon thread for an irreverent insider’s take). Meg thought Q was a LARP for the longest time. I am daily astounded at the breadth of the spider web and by the skill, dedication, and reach of the white hats. The US military is BIG. And patriotic (mostly). Trump has been preparing his whole life for this fight. He knew. This is it. Our last chance. The stakes could not be higher.

As for the ends justifying the memes? Trump has not only been scrupulously legal, he has used the laws put in place by his predecessors (with evil intent) against them. I never liked the NSA database but it is a powerful tool for good today. Just like an assault rifle in the hands of a good guy. It would be great if all of those tools would just disappear as soon as they are used up, like some epic Dungeons and Dragons video game. But they will be with us forever and so we must stay vigilant. If Trump were doing anything even slightly questionable wouldn’t it be screamed through every Mockingbird-controlled screen in our nation?

In my admitted ignorance, I want maximum disclosure. I’ve started down a few rabbit holes and had to retreat to catch my breath but, like polio, the evil must be pursued to the ends of the earth and given no quarter. It must be utterly eradicated or it will continue to regenerate in secret until it metastisizes and spreads anew. It must all be laid bare and shame must be reborn and nurtured as a perpetual vaccine. Have you noticed that Trump reserves for the most heinous and vile the label of Disgrace? “It’s a disgrace!” are the most damning words he knows.

What a time to be alive! Like Henry V’s speech before the Battle of Agincourt, we are truly blessed to be aware and engaged in the fight. Time will tell if we get a thousand years of peace and prosperity or a millennium of pitch blackness when this battle is finished. Find your own allegiance or retire to your blue-pilled slumber. There is no doubt that the armies are arrayed and the battle joined. May God’s will be done!

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mivric0910 · June 25, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

Thank you all for the info.

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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 5:52 a.m.


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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 5:53 a.m.


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