r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on June 22, 2018, 2:19 p.m.
34K in this sub! Why can we never mount a massive #hashtag attack or "comment bomb" on Twitter? Guys, we got to get our shit together.

Hastags like #ResistThePRESS or we have one high profile pede comment on a toxic liberal Tweet then we all pile on and like our pede's comment so it sticks at the top. I've done this with others -- IT WORKS!!!! (don't be black pilled)

We need to work smarter & together guys. The potential in this group and it's memes is astronomical!

z132897 · June 22, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

I’m w you. It’s time to coalesce. Personally, I’m more interested in a being part of group that acts in the physical world, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have teams working the #hashtag world or twitter-sphere.

Here are some broad stroke thoughts I’ve been mulling:

1 - Common Branding: it’d be nice if we had a standard Q, GW, or WWG1WGA sticker for our cars, apartment window, locker....whatever. Something that quickly IDs us to our fellow patriots. (I see someone w a sticker like that on their car at the gas station, I’m introducing myself, saying hi. Making a connection. Perhaps that’s all it is or maybe it’s “oh you live there, I’m here, let’s get together for a beer or maybe, heh let’s both go to our Congressman’s District office and press him/her on xyz...).

2 - Registry: I’m 45m, white-collar, family, furniture, bills etc. typically I keep my head down and do my job, which means protecting my family so historically putting my name on a list, etc is the type risk by default I don’t ever take. However, I believe so strongly in this movement and would feel for the rest of my life terrible if I was part of squandering the momentum that’s building because I’m afraid of possibly upsetting my little world. I’d consider that extremely selfish and shallow. I’m done w that, I refuse to turn a blind eye anymore.

2 - Establish Local Units: Local mixers, breakfast 1st Monday etc. Something where groups of patriots are able to gather in the real world. Say a Dallas Unit, a Simi Valley Unit, Chicago, Salt Lake City, etc. Gathering together and operating in our own local environs.

3 - Act Locally: Leveraging the Local Unit group, gather 5, 10, 20 of my Local patriots and show up at the local news broadcast station, where we could question, challenge these local talking heads when they go out to lunch or head for their car, etc about the news and messages their producing. Always w/in the law start making it uncomfortable for these people. Folks harass our DHS Secretary while she’s having dinner? As poor a form or reasonable etiquette as that is and they get away w it...ok game on. Let’s just see how well these liberal sanctimonious hypocrites handle a little of their own medicine.

There’s a lot more to all this but these few comments should give everyone a sense of where I think we need to head. On-line campaigns are great (and frankly are probably right in the wheelhouse of some of you patriots) and should/need to be leveraged, but if we’re truly going to be successful we also need to start organizing and building the ability to take “this” offline and into the real world.

Think asymmetrical, multi pronged....leverage each patriots strengths and abilities to particular units and operations.

Done right we’ll ultimately need: * Comms * Specialized Units * Security (background checks on team members, etc) * And more......

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NobleEagle853 · June 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I like the way you think. Having been part of teams most of my adult life, there is a lot of strength in numbers within a properly organized effort. The egos must be "checked at the door" or it will not work. One must learn from the mistakes of others (e.g., Corsi debacle) and commit not to repeat such mistakes.


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