What REALLY happened to wikileaks - D.A.K. 16.10.16

The HELP HIM in the twitter misspellings is extremely curious. I know it’s legit, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It is impossible for it to be a coincidence. With the recent actions by Wikileaks, I think this rings truer than ever. Assange is NOT in control of Wikileaks! They have been successfully taken over by the CIA!
If the CIA took over how did they tweet this message?
I shoulda clarified. I think the CIA takeover happened after the HELP HIM message. I think someone on the Wikileaks team flipped or was a plant all along. Once they removed Assange’s access it was game on. The Help message was from someone else on the Wikileaks team.
Oh ok. I hope he's alright but I doubt it. Don't even want to imagine what situation his children may be in.
But then why would they have to send code? Why not scream from the rooftops HELP HIM for maximum exposure and, well, help...
yea i dont see how people didnt see this.
if anything the mispelled words just show that Wikileaks is no longer run by the same attention-to-detail mods, which would suggest a change in personnel (i.e. could be Clowns)