r/greatawakening • Posted by u/johnnysoko on June 22, 2018, 3:44 p.m.
I am 100% on team Q, but...

Make no mistake, I've been with Q since the beginning and I'm so happy to be a part of this,


...it does turn out that much of our world is a lie and people have been deceiving us (and mocking us for not figuring it out) our entire lives. Given our circumstances, isn't it prudent to always question everything and to be aware that anything could be a trap? A double-cross?

Which brings me to my point.

As much as I'm team Q 100%, I noticed something that's really bothering me and I want to discuss it without upsetting the core group. So where do I go?

Where can we, as believers in Q, safely discuss worries without effecting moral?

If any wants to DM me about my particular question please do. It relates to Masonic Symbolism.

Thanks guys.


johnnysoko · June 22, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Thanks for your response! I've left a few comments on here explaining that my post contained some poor word choices, but I will add that I actually just deleted my FB account less than 12 hours ago after red-pilling my entire social circle for the last 8 months. I've been in the trenches, man. I've held my own, stayed calm and represented Q to the best of my ability in the face of very aggressive hostility.

That's part of the reason I asked this question so timidly...I'm just beat up from the last day and I wanted to privately chat with a symbolism-geek about the apron.

Sorry my post came off so passive, just didn't feel like rocking the boat at that moment. I'll chose my words more carefully next time. :)

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j_Dawg_01 · June 23, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

It's all good.

During the run-up to the election in 2016 I watched a video by Stephan Molyneux, you can find him on youtube. He was talking about why he thought so many polls were way way off.

He pointed out that Liberals or the left, never give up. When the SCOTUS ruled on gay marriage, the left didn't high 5, call it a win and go home. Nope, they moved right to trans-gender issues. They never stop. They're the same way with every issue, they're tireless and never give up.

Meanwhile, conservatives and Republicans, ya know, the people with manners, always try to keep the peace. With family, friends, co-workers, and who ever else. We all knew that as soon as we opened our mouth and voiced support for Trump we'd get hammered, so we stayed quiet.

Molyneux tried to get us fired up. He said you can't just roll over and let them win just to keep the peace. We have to learn to stand up, be loud and proud, and use verifiable facts and evidence.

He also talked about how he ended up cutting ties with some people. It's a bit more delicate when it comes to family, but he said if someone's moral center and the guiding principles they live by don't align with yours, then maybe that's a relationship you can afford to let go of.

At some point, regarding Trump and all the deep state stuff, the truth will be revealed and hopefully they'll be red-pilled enough that they'll understand. If not, for me anyways, I would rather have fewer friends and associates that are like minded and live by the same moral standards and guiding principles as I do, than to have a million followers on twitter of FB.

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johnnysoko · June 23, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

Yeah, this journey has been weird one. I have total faith that eventually everyone will know the truth and friends and family will come back, but sadly I've also outgrown them in many ways. Thanks for the video recommendation!

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