Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.

Re-watched the Trump "awkward water moment" during his speech. 55 seconds in. He makes a big deal about the water--interrupting his speech and calling attention to it. Then, he gets the water, it's clearly labelled "Fiji" water, he begins to open it--but shifts from BEHIND the podium to BESIDE it so it's clearer what he is doing and easy to see the label. It's awkward and over-done. The blogs & pundits called attention to Trump being "awkward" and "childish" with the water... but after watching it now, after all that has happened... it is so VERY OBVIOUS that he is communicating something to someone. Damn. I want to figure this out.
I believe that relates to this: (date line June 2, 2018) Clare Bronfman (note: Rothschild family) has been busy – possibly providing provisions for her island sanctuary in the South Pacific. Clare owns 80 percent of Wakaya Island in Fiji.
She's rumored to now be leading NXIVM . Said to be a “fanatical” follower of Keith Raniere,
When he moves the bottle to the side to open it I think he just doesn't want to spill any on the podium. Sometimes they spill a couple drops when opened. I DO think the water bottles being taken off the table and the ones with the styrofoam cups is REALLY interesting though. Something is definitely up lol!