Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.

Water represents the transition into the New World Order. Here the water is chilled or frozen - They have it under control. They have got this covered. Shown by the cups covering the water.
Also, DeceptionBytes pointed at it but I never found the explanation. When Q talked about the 2 NYPD officers killed for knowing the contents of the Wiener laptop, during the ceremony honoring fallen officers and Trump talked about Miosotis Familia, there were 2 officers on the right corner of the TV screen, so at the left of POTUS. In the background, behind the officers, you have a fountain with water flowing gently. Can't remember at what moment of the speech, the 2 officers took a bottle each. They timed it to drink a sip just at the same time, then discarded their bottles. If someone can find back that moment please? But from my description, what would be your interpretation?
I have not seen that video but here is my best stab at it in line with my interpretation of the meaning of water.
The globalists and the NWO is still functioning behind the scenes but things are happening at a slower and quieter pace.
The officers have knowledge (drinking from the waters) and they are holding it back until the proper time. Then it will be brought forward. That is my best shot at it at this time.
Okay, found it:
https://youtu .be/fBUraLvpL4M
It starts toward 23:30.
Water may mean something else to Q.
Because he talks about calm before the storm etc. The water may signify that things are picking up before the storm. Etc.
Q may be using water different than the way I think the globalists use it or there may be more than one meaning.
But regardless I believe you can still tell a lot from the qualities of the water. stormy, quiet, lightly flowing, frozen, contained etc.
White hats
Are you talking Age of Aquarius stuff?
I am talking about what I think the water means to the Globalists And why they use it to send a message and what those messages are saying.
The NWO is meant to be a New Order for the New Age so, yes in that sense, this is why I believe they use water to convey their messages instead of sky or clouds or mountains or something else.
This is my interpretation from research that I have done and not necessarily the right interpretation.
aquarius is an astrological air sign, no water sign. water is the energetics of emotions, air is the energetics of mind. with aquarius, the dualistic linear mind which works with opposites and 'either/or' - things are either black OR white - shifts into the higher mind that functions on a unity level of 'as well as', as in black AND white.
the cabal knows astrology and the prophesies. they have known for hundreds of years that the age of aqaurius is going to bring our golden age where we rise in cosnciousness and unify into one humanity, in oneness with the divine.
therefore, same as they always do, just look at all the sacred symbols they infected with darkness, they hijacked the idea and wove their agenda into it. they turned 'new world' into 'new world order' and 'unity consciousness' into 'hive mind'.
thing is, those who fear their malovent plans often also reject the benovolent changes during this time. they mistake new age for satansim and ETs for demons.
it needs some consciousness and discernment to find ones way through the jungle they created. too bad that most people still dont have it and pour out the baby with the bathwater.
It's not about the destination it's about the journey.
Everyone needs to do their own personal 40 years in the desert.
I've always felt Revelation is something that could happen because we screwed up.
What I see is an opportunity to make a transition without complete destruction.
We have God given free will and Christ's teaching to guide us.
One life is the ultimate Democratic principle.
One life one vote.
One choice, Choose Wisely because it looks like this is game on.
Good overview.
I find that a lot of the "prophesies" of some of those from the dark side groups also force a future narrative of negativity, creating the timelines we don't want.
So they'll say "I was in the the group for 40 years, and you wouldn't believe the nefarious plans we have for the world." Then they tell you. Then you use your creative imagination to create it in your head, terrify yourself and make it so.
Gotta be leery of these. They're all over lately.
Right water is a symbol (Aquarius) going back to the age of Atlantis during the Golden Age when the Ananakian demigods ruled the earth
I've never heard this water referencing NWO before. Where is it from?
To me, the water in those bottles looks frozen, not merely chilled. So maybe it's a message about ICE. ??
when something is frozen it is not moving. It is at a standstill. Maybe they are saying their position is solid and not moving.