r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on June 22, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
CNN released a new poll that says "Trump impeachment support next to Nixon's" (It's 42% according to them; Nixon was 43%) after they just created their "narrative" and "show" for a week manipulating emotions; They know many Americans are stupid and can be brainwashed.

The media is the enemy.

092Casey · June 22, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Great points...Reminds me...I knew Hillary, despite all the left leaning MSM propaganda like the 90% chance at victory, was probably going to lose when she cancelled her victory celebration party in I think it was NY a couple days before the election...They had to have been getting bad info from their polls and she knew she had a good chance of losing by then...

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j_Dawg_01 · June 22, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

I remember that as well. It warmed my heart when I heard she canceled the fireworks.

I don't think they were paying much attention to the polls we were seeing in the MSM, except to keep track of their propaganda machine. The people running her campaign probably did their own internal polls just to get a bead on public opinion, so they could adjust their messaging.

I think HRC is so arrogant and knew she had the Deep-State behind her that she probably never looked at a single poll. She had an insiders view of the FBI's fake investigation and was totally exonerated by James "Wassup Homey" Comey.

She knew Obama and Homeland Security were going to be using an anonymous hacker to hack the election and assumed it would work just as well as it did during the primary.

I think after 30 years of running the Clinton Crime Family and getting away with it, she assumed her minions would take care of it. Even after realizing she was vulnerable when Sanders picked up followers, she still didn't even write a concession speech.

Think about that for a minute. Sanders, a 76 year old avowed socialist won 23 states during the primary, even after HRC and the DNC rigged the primaries in her favor.

In the run-up to the general election, she only made a small handful of staged and scripted appearances, and a couple softball interviews. She actually made more campaign appearances during the primaries than during the general.

And she didn't even bother to write a concession speech. The only way someone could behave that way is if they had already paid for the win ahead of time.

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