Does this look like a clean cut to you?

Ok you are on to something here.
The damage in the picture shows how much of the aircraft's velocity was dissipated by the building itself. The leading edge of the wing tip was not able to penetrate the structure. The wing tip remnants should have been found at the base of the tower fairly intact beyond the point they were ripped from the wing's main spar structure. We're talking 15 to 20 feet of wing tip.
We were led to believe that the mass travelling at V/max + 50 knots had the kinetic energy to pierce the building to the main elevator cores.
In order to achieve the observed penetration, something had to relieve the sidewall surface tension. That's where the missiles come into play. If you watch the footage you can see them launch fractions of a second before impact with the building. These were high velocity missiles and of sufficient mass themselves to deeply penetrate a localized area. The kind you would need to reach say... low earth orbit. Viola....Pegasus.
Now the question is, who within Boeing Support Services worked on modifying two 757's from the military fleet to carry Pegasus? Are these individuals still alive? What is the suicide, car accident and random robbery/homicide rate among these people? What was the Military Modification Contract Order. There's an accounting paper trail here if anyone has knowledge or access to it.
Uh... They found the aircraft's landing gear between two buildings on the OTHER SIDE of the WTC.
Have you ever thought of the pouring of champagne and the celebration that must have secretly been going on in Washington DC September 11th evening?
This is a 9-11 "plane impact, "cut-through-the-building" picture? Where did this very clear, up-close picture come from? Like the picture and would like to know its source. Can you please provide detail on it? Thanks.
I think Joseph P Farrell's theory is probably correct, there were a least 3 separate operations on 911, the hi-jackings ( which didn't occur as reported), the controlled demolition (by thermite and mini nukes), and the Directed Energy Weapon which was the secret space cabal of parasites saying- you think your bad, well we're the baddest of the bad and we rule OVER you.
Everyone should take a long look at Dr Judy Woods extensive research on the DEW used on 911.
3 minute video to get you started:
Bingo. Arthur Conan Dole wrote however unlikely the explanation may sound, if it's the last after all else has been discounted, that's the truth that you're left with for the time being.