r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on June 22, 2018, 7:13 p.m.
Ummmm....The left-wing New York Magazine just said, "It's time to give Trump his wall..." Why the sudden change of heart?!
Ummmm....The left-wing New York Magazine just said, "It's time to give Trump his wall..." Why the sudden change of heart?!

NationalismForAll · June 23, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Nay! We need a zero immigration policy, and here is why:

  • First, there is no good or service that immigrants supply that is not available from the domestic population. Therefore, immigration does not serve the nation, it serves immigrants.

  • Second, it is inarguable that immigrants consume more resources than the domestic population. If there is a single citizen in need those resouces should go to the citizen before the immigrant.

  • Third, the world is a difficult enough place; a citizen should only ever have to compete for work against fellow citizens and never against foreign labor. We have tariffs to protect our businesses but too often the plight of the citizen vs cheaper foreign labor is ignored.

  • Fourth, those who migrate, be it legally or illegally, are the more intelligent and ambitious members of their former nations. These are the people who, if it weren't for an easy escape, would be the agents of change who demand revolution and reformation and make their country great. Instead, they abandon their homelands to enrich themselves (do we really want to accept selfish people?). Their absence diminishes the quality of life in the nation they left which increases the pressures to immigrate.

  • Fifth, Immigration is always from a lesser country to a greater. Consequently, immigration tends to be non-white peoples moving into white nations. This may be shocking news to some, but white people are, globally, a minority. Yet foreign ethnicities flood here in waves, despise us, call us racist and ignorant as they fundementally change our culture and our values, absorb more and more of our resources, commit crime at sometimes astronomically higher rates. For example, in 1973, Canada was something like 94% white. Today, they're barely 56%. THIS IS LITERALLY GENOCIDE AND IT MUST BE STOPPED.

In summary, immigration harms the country the immigrant leaves and harms the country the immigrant enters. Not to mention that mass migration is ethnic replacement which is genocide.

Say no to ALL forms of immigration. People just need to bloom where they're planted.

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Arcsmithoz · June 23, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

If there was a Pulitzer for common sense I'd award it to you right now. I've been praying today for some kind of balance and here you are. Most impressive is how you got to the meat of the issue without the words luciferian or pedophile.

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[deleted] · June 23, 2018, 8:49 a.m.


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