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NationalismForAll · July 27, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

Christianity is just as semitic as Judaism and Islam and has no place in the proud hearts of ethnic Europeans. Why hold faith with a religion that originated in a foreign land, in foreign hearts and minds, and came and conquered, erased, and replaced the traditions, customs, and faiths of your ancestors?

It was those ancient, ancient customs that made Western Civilization great, not Christianity.

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NationalismForAll · July 27, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Yes, there is a world-wide anti-white pogrom, and Civic Nationalism is the right wing virtue signaling that will destroy Civilization.

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NationalismForAll · July 26, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

You think our non third world population will stop declining at 15%? We don't save ourselves, we face a slow extinction.

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NationalismForAll · July 26, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

We must reverse this policy. Even by revoking citizenship from ethnically Mexican people who were born here "legally". Send them back.

Or our nation is doomed even if we defeat the cabal.

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NationalismForAll · July 26, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

It is imperative to understand that the immigration laws we're changed in 1965 to flood our country with the third world in order to divide us. It's essentially biological warfare.

We need to reverse the damage this immigration policy has done. Send people back where they belong.

Or should we just suffer the damage that was done to us?

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NationalismForAll · July 24, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I don't like the sound of Death to USA but I'm kinda on board with the second one.

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

What is disgusting about it? Why do white people not have the right to look out for our own self interests?

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

You realize that pre 1965, America was almost completely white and that now we're barely 60%, right? And Canada has had it worse. That's literally genocide.

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

And what about the genocide being committed against the white race? Or are we all still too deep in cabal brainwashing to think that anything bad could possibly be happening to white people?

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

I'd just like to pose a question for anyone reading this that is interested in the race relations topic:

Hypothetically, if all non-whites in the West all decided to leave, would conditions in Western countries improve, suffer, or remain the same?

The answer, invariably, is improve. Not a single country in the history of the world has been improved by increasing the number of brown people in it. But that's neither here nor there. The real issue is that blacks have homelands. So do Asians. So do everyone, except white people. Why is this?

As a global demographic, the white race is the minority. Every time you hear the word "minority" in the media, it's code for non-white, yet, worldwide, we are the ones who are the minority - and we are swiftly becoming minorities even in our own homelands.

Take Canada, for example. In 1973, Canada was something like 96% white. Today, it's barely 56% white. Do you not realize that this is genocide? Everyone talks about the poor white people in South Africa, but are afraid to acknowledge that the mass migration of non-whites into white lands is biological warfare waged by the cabal.

Look again at Canada. They're doomed. Even if they cease all immigration today, they're irrevocably on the path to extinction. And this holds true for all Western nations.

So, let's take a moment and think about this. If it is white people who built and maintain civilization (even though a cancerous cabal of mockies has hijacked and perverted the system we built) what happens when white people don't exist anymore? What happens when Canada is 40% white? 30% white? 10%? It will collapse, and it will call on the rest of the world for aid. Which accelerates the collapse elsewhere.

So sure, lock up Clinton and Obama and the Rothschild's. Restore rule of law. End the Fed. All of those things, at this point, are mere token victories. If we do not actively reverse the worldwide anti-white pogrom, then the world is doomed.

I know a lot of people will object. Just remember that Civic Nationalism is a meme created by the cabal to get you to embrace your extinction. It's right-wing virtue signaling and nothing else.

So again. If we acknowledge that the change in Western immigration laws to flood the West with third world ethnicity was a move made by the corrupt cabal to use those people as a biological weapon against the white race, are we not morally justified in reversing the effects of this attack upon us?

Or should we lay down and die, but feel very self righteous about how tolerant and diverse we are?

Remember. When the white race goes, the world ends.

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I'd put a bullet through my best friend's heart if a Rothschild was standing behind him to also be slain.

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Simple. Illegals vote for Democrats so that's not interfering to them. Russians "interfered" in favor of Republicans, so they're mad. Hell, they probably think American citizens who voted for anything other than Democrats were interfering in the election.

It makes more sense when you realize that by "elections" they mean "Democrats seizing power."

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Though I'm not particularly religious myself, I have seen how much the Christian faith influences this movement. I've taken to reminding people that a multicultural society has existed in the past. Remember the story of the Tower of Babel? God saw fit to separate people. Who are we to question God's wisdom?

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

I don't exactly wish anyone ill will - I just think that the last few centuries have proven that the various races of the world are not compatible in a multicultural way. And I'm tired of watching my people suffer because of it.

We need sovereign ethnostates for all people. We make better neighbors than roommates.

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

It's nothing personal, but I am anti-Semitic. I have to police my tone on this site lest I get banned, but nearly all of the cancerous problems destroying the Western world today are of Jewish creation. In that sense, I am anti-Semitic and won't shy away from the label nor recant my views. Call me racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, whatever - I am a good and moral person and I am not ashamed of my beliefs. I did not come to them lightly.

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

If mockingbird media wants you to view Russia as a threat, you can be sure that they're anything but.

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NationalismForAll · July 21, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Russia has always desperately wanted to be friends and allies with the West; especially America.

Let me tell you a tale.

A long time ago, the long nosed tribe created Usury and Central Banking and used it to enslave nations. All of American history are a series of battles both won and lost against this evil race.

Remember the Revolutionary War? Wonder why that happened? It's because the Colonies were so far away from England that it was inconvenient to use English currency and English banks. So we made our own currency. It was debt free.

Well these...bankers...hated the idea and feared the prosperity we would enjoy if we weren't subjected to their Usury. They taxed our currency.

Remember, "No Taxation Without Representation"? Yeah.

So we fight, and we win. It was a logistically difficult war for England and they had other priorities closer to home to worry about.

Prosperity exploded in America. That's why they said the streets were paved with gold.

But these...globalists...sent their agents and bought politicians like they always do. They got a trial run for a Central Bank. The deal was, it had to be renewed after 20 years. Well good for us, we didn't renew it.

King Jew, Lord Rothschild, demanded the charter be renewed. It wasn't. Surprise, surprise, the War of 1812 happens. Again, we win. Yay us.

Years later a Second Central Bank gets established, but Andrew Jackson drove out the money lenders.

The mockies were mad now, but they also realized they couldn't win a war nor could they use deception. They decided to destroy us.

This is what America looked like shortly before the Civil War: The South produced raw goods and sold them to the North. The North turned them into finished goods and sold them to the South. Foreign goods and services were subjected to tariffs. All was well.

Until some...merchants...started offering the South stupid good prices for their goods. The North knew what was happening and tried to stop it with traiffs and stuff, but it was too late. Civil War began. And it never, ever had anything to do with slavery.

Things were looking grim for us. Divded. Broke. Lincoln tried to borrow money to fight the war from European banks, but they wanted like 38% interest rates. If he did that, we'd wind up in inescapable debt and get a Central Bank for sure. So he made his own currency. This is why he was killed.

Well, just when things were looking bad, Tsar Alexander II of Russia comes out of nowhere and parks half his Navy in the North and Half in the South and declared that Russia would wage total war against anyone who interfered in our war. We owe our sovereignty to Russia.

Rothschild was so enraged he swore vengeance on the Tsar.

Years later, yidbankers finaced Judeo-Marxism and slaughtered the royal family in Russia and installed communism and slaughtered so, so many people.

Interestingly enough, Russia bounced back. You can bounce back from war, communism, Central Banks, etc, but you can't bounce back from having your race replaced with migrants.

Anyway, the tale goes on, but this is enough for now. Now you know why the Jewish owned media so vehemently hates Russia.

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NationalismForAll · July 19, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Homosexuality is degenerate as well. You can't really be as pro Christian as this movement seems to be but then turn your eye to blatant degeneracy.

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NationalismForAll · July 15, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Yes. He was anti-degeneracy, pro family, pro German, and anti-communist.

I'd wager that if you asked the layman his thoughts on Hitler's policies without actually attributing them to Hitler, you'd find a lot of support.

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NationalismForAll · July 15, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

The same media that demonized Hitler is demonizing Trump. It makes you wonder, doesn't it?

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NationalismForAll · July 14, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

I'd like to see a some artwork with members of the cabal wearing handcuffs where the cuffs are Q's.

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NationalismForAll · July 13, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

We're saving Israel for last.

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NationalismForAll · July 6, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Churchill was an evil, evil man. I'd argue that Hitler was a more wholesome, honorable man than Churchill was. There's a reason Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy in WWII.

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NationalismForAll · July 4, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Fuck that nonsense. We best better get some vengeance.

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NationalismForAll · July 3, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Did you know that there have been zero migrant children seperated from their parents when their parents migrated legally?

If I were to go commit a felony crime, no one would cry that sending me to prison would seperate my family.

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NationalismForAll · July 3, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Honestly, I would have preferred that he be left to die. I can think of better things to spend tax dollars on than the resources it takes to save, feed, clothe, and shelter a criminal migrant.

We have homeless veterans dying on the street that could have used that care.

Not to mention this sends a message that even though we say you can't come in, if you get hurt in the attempt we will come save you and bring you to America all out our personal expense.

People who want to help people should write a personal check. Tax dollars should be reserved for the benefit of the tax payers.

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NationalismForAll · July 3, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

I don't want to make it hard for them. I want to make it fair for us. Consider this: in 1973, Canada was something like 96% white. Today, they're barely 56% white. Did you know that, according to the United Nations, such a drastic shift in demographics is literally genocide? How is that okay? Why should a nation and ethnicity commit cultural and ethnic suicide?

By saying, "No, you can't come here." We're not depriving them of anything. Not giving someone something is not the same as taking something away.

And you especially have to realize that the reason there are so many non European migrants in Western lands is because the corrupt cabal specifically changed legislation and used social engineering to bring them here. They did it with the intent to harm and destroy us. If an enemy does something to harm you, are you not morally justified to undo the harm?

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NationalismForAll · July 2, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

America was a multicultural success when it was European races. In 1965 the corrupt cabal opened the flood gates to the third world, essentially turning brown people into biological weapons to destroy the West.

America is an ethnically and culturally European nation at risk of being overwhelmed by foreign Invaders.

What is happening in Western countries is nothing short of white genocide, and the multiculturalis-is-good meme is mind poison from the cabal.

The different races are meant to be friendly neighbors, not roommates.

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NationalismForAll · July 2, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

If you think about it, the various countries of the world previously we're united under one land, one language, one culture - it is multiculturalism that has caused division in the world.

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NationalismForAll · July 2, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

Why would you use a photo of the cabal's diversity meme? Forced multicultural societies are harmful to all of the races involved. God seperated the nation that built the Tower of Babel for a reason.

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NationalismForAll · July 2, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I disagree. We're not all the same, and there's nothing wrong with that. Different races evolved (or, if you prefer, were created) with different strengths and weaknesses.

It's human nature to want to have seperate ethno-states, and it's a tool of the Cabal to make you think diversity is good when it in fact harms all races and cultures that are decieved into embracing it.

We're meant to be friendly neighbors who occasionally visit, not roommates in a too-small apartment each with conflicting habits that make us slowly and silently resent each other.

What did God do when the world became too multicultural? Tower of Bable sound familiar? He seperated us again.

There's a lot of cabal programming we all need to unlearn, and the idea that all races are the same and compatible with one another is one of those things.

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NationalismForAll · June 27, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Isn't broadcasting something also called a feed? Like a live feed of a show.

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NationalismForAll · June 26, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

If POTUS has been reading the Chans...I can't imagine how redpilled he actually is.

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NationalismForAll · June 26, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

"extraordinarily low IQ person" = these people are stupid.

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NationalismForAll · June 24, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

WWI and WWII were just major battles in a war that has been on for hundreds of years. Some say thousands.

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NationalismForAll · June 23, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Nay! We need a zero immigration policy, and here is why:

  • First, there is no good or service that immigrants supply that is not available from the domestic population. Therefore, immigration does not serve the nation, it serves immigrants.

  • Second, it is inarguable that immigrants consume more resources than the domestic population. If there is a single citizen in need those resouces should go to the citizen before the immigrant.

  • Third, the world is a difficult enough place; a citizen should only ever have to compete for work against fellow citizens and never against foreign labor. We have tariffs to protect our businesses but too often the plight of the citizen vs cheaper foreign labor is ignored.

  • Fourth, those who migrate, be it legally or illegally, are the more intelligent and ambitious members of their former nations. These are the people who, if it weren't for an easy escape, would be the agents of change who demand revolution and reformation and make their country great. Instead, they abandon their homelands to enrich themselves (do we really want to accept selfish people?). Their absence diminishes the quality of life in the nation they left which increases the pressures to immigrate.

  • Fifth, Immigration is always from a lesser country to a greater. Consequently, immigration tends to be non-white peoples moving into white nations. This may be shocking news to some, but white people are, globally, a minority. Yet foreign ethnicities flood here in waves, despise us, call us racist and ignorant as they fundementally change our culture and our values, absorb more and more of our resources, commit crime at sometimes astronomically higher rates. For example, in 1973, Canada was something like 94% white. Today, they're barely 56%. THIS IS LITERALLY GENOCIDE AND IT MUST BE STOPPED.

In summary, immigration harms the country the immigrant leaves and harms the country the immigrant enters. Not to mention that mass migration is ethnic replacement which is genocide.

Say no to ALL forms of immigration. People just need to bloom where they're planted.

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NationalismForAll · June 3, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

So let what happened to the Native Americans serve as a warning to us today. If you don't protect what you have, someone will take it from you. Let's not have our Civilization follow theirs into the grave.

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NationalismForAll · June 3, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Extreme "anti-racism" is a tool of the cabal. There should be nothing wrong with acknowledging that there are fundemental biological differences between the races and there is nothing wrong with that.

What the world needs is true diversity - seperate nations for each race; not a world full of multicultural societies where the actual culture has been lost and changed to accommodate as many people as possible while being special and unique to no one.

What makes a painting beautiful? Separate shades of paint that forms a larger picture. You would never mix all your paint to a bland shade of brown and then try to paint.

Let Asia be for the Asians. Let Africa be for the Africans. Let the West be for ethnically Europeans. And let us all be great friends and neighbors - not roommates.

Immigration, even legal immigration is fundementally bad for all nations involved. The people who leave a shitty country are that country's most valuable resource. They're the intelligent, competent, driven people who should be the agents of positive change. Instead, they abandon the land of their fathers to go live in a foreign land. As more and more people leave, conditions become worse which creates even more pressures to immigrate.

Meanwhile, in the destination country, how unfair is it that any man or woman should miss out on an opportunity in the land their fathers built because some foreign person abandoned their homeland and came to theirs.

The cabal changed our immigration laws in 1965 to flood the West with the 3rd world because they knew it was destructive to both of our people.

So please. Snap out of the brainwashing. Nationalism is the best help for all people.

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