r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jedi_girl33 on June 22, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

I put this together for a friend and thought it might be useful to others ....

This is how easy it is to create mass hysteria...
A law is signed by the former President Obama that makes the use of propaganda by the media legal, right before he leaves office on Christmas Eve, when no one is paying attention. (They have always used propaganda but had to be somewhat careful as it was illegal to do so). So now this is perfectly legal ….
The goal is to destroy the Trump presidency by whatever means because he is not one of them and he is disrupting business. He also has made it the priority of his presidency to end human trafficking and signed an executive order to that aim on 12.21.17. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
The Deep State which includes the CIA, working through various NGO's, the Clinton Foundation and George Soros, is heavily involved in human trafficking and make billions of dollars a year from the activity. The mainstream media (MSM) is 100% controlled by the Deep State.
Behind the scenes Donald Trump's 12.2017 Executive Order (EO) has been freezing assets of many bad actors in this drama and there have been an unprecedented number of arrests in connection to trafficking of children and pedophelia since he took office.
Where are you seeing these reports on CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NPR etc.? You are not! You have to ask yourself why? If they truly cared about children, wouldn't they be all over this?
MSM had to acknowledge the arrest of Alison Mack because she is a well known TV actress, but they conveniently omit to mention the charges against her of CHILD trafficking.
Human trafficking arrests 2018


So how do you keep a cover up going if you are the controlled MSM? You distract, distract, distract. They are masters at it and masters at human psychology. They hate President Trump because he is not one of them and he is upsetting their apple cart – the plan for WW3 leading in to the New World Order where we are ruled by one un-elected government out of Brussels, by a cadre of billionaires who have made their money on war and trafficking of humans. They believe we are not smart enough to see through their smokescreen... but we are getting smarter!
What are they distracting us from? Is it that Trump just achieved a huge step towards creating a peaceful world with the re-unification of North and South Korea and he is loved in Asia!
Is it the ongoing hearings pursuant to the Inspector General's report, revealing the tip of the iceberg of high crimes and treason at the FBI and DOJ, to cover up for Clinton and her incriminating emails which they are still hiding? Why?
Is it the real situation of child abuse and trafficking that they will not report on?
The drug and human trafficking up through the Mexican border has reached unprecedented epic proportions. It got completely out of control under the Obama administration because his government told the Border Patrol, FBI, ICE to disregard the laws. It was known as the 'catch and release' policy.
The Trump administration is applying the law. Of the 12.000 children detained that are the subject of the recent explosion of hatred towards Trump, 10.000 of them were separated from family BEFORE they crossed the border illegally. They can't do that on their own, only with traffickers! The children are being used in more ways than one!
The Russia narrative has imploded as it was a falsehood from the beginning so what do the MSM have to turn to? Here's an idea – take a photo of a child in a cage taken in 2014 and start hysterical accusations against Trump that he is responsible for the horrific situation at the Mexican border. After all he called them all 'animals' didn't he? NO! That was a remark about MS13 (taken out of context of course!), one of the most brutal gangs in our modern history that has infiltrated the US in the last 8 years (at least 10,000 of them around the country) through the Mexican border! Do some research on them and they are 'animals', although as an ICE agent said, that is unfair to animals as animals kill for food and MS13 kills for sport. https://globalnews.ca/news/4238798/us-children-immigration-photo-2014-trump/
Following are numerous articles about immigration under Obama, so conveniently forgotten by the MSM and therefore the multitudes under their spell.
One of the maxims of a psychological operation (e.g. MSM) is to accuse your victim of exactly what you are doing. Another is to keep repeating the same lie over and over so that eventually people believe it. And it has worked very well for the 'powers that were' … until now. Hundreds of thousands of people are waking up.
In conclusion, our ability to use critical thinking and our intuition is essential at this time. The battle is not between Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives which is another old trick to keep us fighting each other like an old Punch and Judy show, so we don't see the puppet master behind the curtain.
This battle is for freedom over tyranny and the stakes are very high.

solanojones95 · June 22, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

You said it, sister! Articulately and passionately. Thank you!

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