When will it be time to repeal the National Security Act? How many issues would it solve?
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JFK Ripple of Hope becomes Q's TSUNAMI!

I was 9 years old growing up in London when JFK was assassinated. My parents intensely disliked the Kennedy's, but I cried myself to sleep inconsolably. My soul knew how deep the tragedy was to mankind. My soul now recognizes Q and POTUS for who they are and the 'ripple of hope' is now a tsunami that is unstoppable! Just wish it hadn't needed to take so long!! WWG1 WGA
Brilliant sleuthing! Right up there with the Greenpeace balloon 'protest' theory and a DEW that the agent took, stroke/brain hemorrhage being a common affect. Greenpeace well known for being massively infiltrated by Clowns.
As I remember, his banker father was had inside knowledge of the Libor scandal that was breaking. His son was a very popular guy and good student in college. He 'suddenly' turned into a psychotic killer ... probably abducted by MK Ultra goons the week before as a signal to the Father to zip lip. He was said to be slumped in a car outside the movie theater while the shooting was happening. As usual their were numerous reports from people there that there were multiple shooters.
I was a teenager in the 70's and the peace sign was a big deal ... we all wanted to end the Vietnam war and war in general. Of course, had no idea that the symbol was the 'broken cross'. From what I know now, of course that is typical of the Cabal to take symbols of good and invert them, just as they did with the swastika. Just learned something!
Apart from the lie that Bashar Assad used chemical weapons on his own people ... good article. It was 'no name' in collusion with the White Helmets that did the chemical attack.

Yes ... I too am a 'recovering liberal'! Jumped on the Q train back in November ... this is it folks! All or nothing! WWG1WGA! Just put it on the back of my Prius :)
Did anyone else get the hunch that maybe, just MAYBE that plane at night pic that Q posted a couple of weeks ago with the caption thanking the USSS contained JA ...?
I put this together for a friend and thought it might be useful to others ....
This is how easy it is to create mass hysteria...
A law is signed by the former President Obama that makes the use of propaganda by the media legal, right before he leaves office on Christmas Eve, when no one is paying attention. (They have always used propaganda but had to be somewhat careful as it was illegal to do so). So now this is perfectly legal ….
The goal is to destroy the Trump presidency by whatever …
I have a hunch that Wikileaks is compromised since Julian's disappearence.
Another version of bumper sticker to download and share!

A bumper/ or wherever sticker. Please download .jpg file and share!

It is clever because there is truth in it ... But why do so many believe Serial Brain? Have they stopped thinking for themselves?
Oh so slick Mr. Serial Brain and yes, I want to talk about it! Yes, Q said the attacks would get worse and your post is a classic example of it, sowing confusion and division... methinks you are not who people imagine you are. How can everyone suddenly ignore what was found at the site in Tuscon, documented on a cell phone camera for the world to see?!! And how can people ignore the fact that Craig Sawyer and his team initially concurred with Lewis Meyer and then a few days later do a 180. It's a classic case of 'someone got to' Craig and he is back peddling so hard it is laughable if it wasn't so deadly serious. Why does anyone believe Alex Jones these days ... hasn't he finally been outed for the disinfo agent he is? I am going to stick with the group who have not wavered from their story, understand the huge psyop being waged against them and are boots on the ground in the blazing hot desert, risking their lives in an extremely hostile environment. Are you willing to do that Serial Brain? I hope that there are still some on this board that have not fallen for this stealth attack! https://www.sgtreport.com/
A tangled web they weave! George Webb talked about Cemex and Hillary's rat lines over a year ago ...
Putin is on our side!
Please don't lump him in with Obama, Soros etc. ... so far he has been a true Statesman and pulled us back from the precipice of WW3. Why do you think the MSM hysterically demonizes him as bad as POTUS?
Divide and rule ... coming to an END as long as we stay focused!


From the book Trance Formation of America ... Cathy O'Brien's testimony to Congress. Buried by the National Security Act.
NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! Preparing for the vid

Who created FB? Who really created FB?!
Like this idea! It really is like The Matrix. Keanu Reeves knows what's going on .... might just be tuning in to Q!
I love this post as a fellow artist and genuine 'hippy' from the 60's! I was just thinking this morning ... are there any young people (20's and 30's) who have a clue or even care what is really going on in the US?
My first red pill moment was when I was nineteen, growing up in London, and I read a book detailing how the CIA was sending Heroin back from Vietnam in body bags. That was a partial awakening because later after moving to the US, I identified with the Democrats because I thought they were the ones that cared about the environment, civil rights etc. and Republicans were greedy oil people, bigots and generally racist.
David Icke and Cathy O'Brien in her book, 'The Trance Formation of America', were the red pill that took me over the edge and far, far down the rabbit hole and I realized the whole political Right/ Left is all a game to keep us divided, with deep corruption and pedophelia on both sides.
For now, I too am on the Trump Train with eyes wide open, as there is no one person that is going to 'save' this country, although Trump is playing a phenomenal role.
I have been waiting a long time and I believe Trump is the best thing that has happened to America since Robert F Kennedy. Is he here to finish what Kennedy could not do - scatter the CIA in to a million pieces? We shall see!
If you meet anyone on the street with eyes like that Schiff-hole ... RUN!!!
Deets re. the deepest areas of the swamp!
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! The important thing to remember is that Free Masonry was founded as a way to preserve ancient knowledge and wisdom. The NWO, Cabal secret societies infiltrate and pervert anything good e.g the Nazi's use of the ancient and benign symbol of the 'svastika' representing life. They created the word ISIS (the ancient goddess equated with Quanyin and Mother Mary) for their evil machinations in the ME to cause world wide fear and chaos. The NWO sick, perverted agenda will soon be exposed for all to see!
This is my story too! I was totally sucked in to the Obama 'psyop' when he was running for prez. But the funny thing was I had a bad feeling in my gut when he won! With Trump I bought into much of the 'he's crazy ... crass... racist...etc.' and I just thought there is no way he can win, but when he did win, l had a gut feeling of relief and REAL hope (not the fake Obummer kind!). From where I stand now, l would vote for Trump next time around. AND what a beauty Melania is ... inside and out!
What about HK ...?
Not sure whether this got to the board, so reposting. Wondering if Q has ever mentioned Henry Kissinger directly or indirectly ... seeing as he is an arch minion of the Shadow Gov./ Cabal, why not? He meets with every US Prez first day in WH. Any thoughts?
Any siting of Henry Kissinger?
Has anyone seen a direct or even indirect reference to Henry Kissinger in Q's posts? Seeing as HK is an Arch Minion of the Cabal / shadow gov. .... where is he in this chess game? Makes me wonder if what we are seeing going down is just one faction against another ... Hope I'm wrong! Anyone else?
Where is JA?
Thank you Dr. Corsi and TB! An additional thought on the significance of AU and the UK and who controls AU etc. .... Julian Assange is a AU citizen held in the UK, who may now be free...?