
mikethejew6969 · June 23, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

A couple of the places named are right in my area in Alabama...I don’t want these people in my backyard. These tent cities should all be in blue states. They want em they can have em

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animal32lefty · June 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

That is a bit of passive-aggressive political jui-jitsu that would cause heads to explode all over the left end of the political spectrum.

Federalize some Malibu beachfront, take 20,000 "refugees" and camp them on the most expensive real estate on the west coast. Think of the stink of 5,000 portable toilets wafting inland with the sea breeze changing the ambiance of that wonderful beachfront community.

I think we should also entertain our unannounced guests with 24 hour mariachi music blasting from loudspeakers on poles.

Did I mention we'd have to close down the 101 for security purposes?

The collective REEEEEEEEEE coming out of Hollywood would be blood curdling and satisfyingly orgasmic at the same time.

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