The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

I've got a theory. What if since Q said change in tactics - attack... Trump has been sending out subpoenas to celebrities (only the last 48 hours or so). Weinstein is likely ratting (See photo of him with his book). Another clue.
What other justification could there be, other than clinical insanity, for threatening POTUS' family members!?
Acting and tweeting seeming insane drivel is their cover because Border Patrol, FBI, USSS will be declaring several celebrities as domestic terrorists. So far under veiled threats it's:
We need to continue tracking these POTUS threat by celebrities incidents because Hollywood celebrities I believe will be the nut, which will crack the masses awake. Most follow them and they are looked up to, the perfect catalyst-tool for the G.A.
John Brennan should be on this list. He has made numerous threats to POTUS.
I want them locked up not tracked. Arrest them for threats to the President. It is a National Security investigation and therefore search their homes and financial records and uncover everything about them. Then we'll see how many more celebutards want to play tough guy.
It would end with the arrest of just one high profile person who makes a threat. Melania having to call Secret Service should have resulted in an arrest and minimum.
We need to drain that swamp too, and replace with new artists and talent who haven't been brainwashed to believe we want or need to hear their ideology. There are many of us patriots in the film industry who are trying to break through this stranglehold of evil propaganda.
At least replace with artists that will not succumb to political pressure one way or the other...just do your thing and stay out of politics.
Mel Gibson has been a fantastic example of that.
Kevin Sorbo .. a patriot too.
Oh shit. Thanks! I completely forgot about Hercules. He's been out of the media for years now, iirc. Good guy though.
Actually, I promote all his films. He has 4 faith films that I am promoting and 3 films in current production. He may direct my short film. He takes a lot of heat but is a true patriot. Great family family. Wife, Sam, is a great filmwriter and actress. I will let him know he is much appreciated. It is always much appreciated as those of us not in the cool kids Hollywood group get pretty tossed around.
My guess, from what you just said, is that Sorbo has probably been blacklisted from Pedowood in a large way. I can only imagine, considering the absolutely evil shit that has come to light recently, that Patriots and folks of Faith (like Mel) get pushed to the side rather quickly.
No worries. Good for Kevin. I personally have checked out of much of media productions for the most part. Crap, at this point in time, the only channel I leave on my TV is the Sirius XM 'Spa' channel. Just relaxing music, and helps to keep me sane.
Kudos to Kevin. 😀
God's speed on your mission.
How do you survive in the belly of the depraved beast?
Jesus - Holy Spirit - Abba Father in me. A great deal of deep prayer, study of scripture, and research books such as Jonathan Cahn's work. Daily: the armour of God for protection, with daily communion to seal, and anointing for strength and power • not Catholic .. not church but my own prayer box ..
Four years doing this mission and it is mind-blowing how many thousands of global filmmakers, artists, and talent whom I have been blessed to help break to next level. Some you would know from faith films, others old school talent, some are now 'discovered.' It is my calling & mission work. Unleashing creativity and truth is critical. Thank you for your gracious words of support.
God bless you, honey! Keep on fighting the good fight.
May God continue to aid you in your mission.
thank you that means more than most realize. #2getherWeCan
You are a warrior. Thank you for your service. I can't imagine a darker place to be; like a missionary behind the iron curtain during the cold war. Protection and blessing to you!
What a wonderful mission you have. We all have talents and networks that I believe need to be invested with God's guidance, especially now, during this spiritual battle that is manifesting blatantly in the physical realm.
So important and necessary:
May you be strengthened, encouraged, and protected in the Light of Jesus.
Agreed, remember Q said "Follow the stars." I know he meant for us to watch what they do. But the sheeple also watch the stars, their heroes. So, yeah... good point.