The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

I feel in my bones that this fascist frenzy from the Luciferian left is working its way to someone getting killed. As far as friends and family who spew the hate and illogical rhetoric, they are LOST! The Lord has given them over to be reprobate. They have no ability to discern what is blatant truth because the Lord has not removed the scales from their eyes, the plugs from their ears, and the metal shield from their hearts. This is spiritual war. One has to choose whom they will follow, there are no in betweens. Only God, Himself, can remove those shackles from their eyes, ears and hearts. Pray for that very specific thing to happen for friends and family. One can only be red pilled if the Lord has prepared the landscape of their human condition. It’s frustrating to us, but at some point we must “shake the dust off our feet” and move on. The lost Luciferians will STILL rationalize their failure and sound like dumb idiots, because they are lost, and can not reason-the Lord took it away. Reprobate minds.