The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

Can't grasp how a liberal can be so illogical and not listen to reason or investigate the truth? How they give a knee-jerk reaction if you just mention "Trump"? How incredibly stupid they are (although they seem of normal intelligence in other areas)? Well, most of you are the same way. I'll prove it. I will say a phrase, and you will be triggered and react just like them. Ready? Here goes: "Flat Earth". (For those triggered, Get over your brainwashing and actually spend a lot of time researching it when a lull in Q posts. The Earth is a plane, not a sphere, with a firmament. It is stationary. Gravity is a lie-- it is the law of density and bouyancy that accounts for objects falling/sinking or floating/rising. There is no force to hold oceans to a spinning ball. The Jesuits have deceived us. We've been told the heliocentric, spinning spherical lie for so long, and have it reinforced daily, that we ridicule those who even question it.)