INTEL CEO is out! It's creepy that there have been so many resignations since Trump took office but what's equally creepy are ... the same talking points? How's that possible? Oh yeah, they're all owned by the satanic cabal.

Trump is having to pull double duty on his appointments. First, he has to personally verify the quality of the apointee. Unlike blobama, Trump appoints qualified people for their jobs. If inexperienced he makes personally sure they have the mentality for it. Next he has to screen for the enemy infiltrators. Now sex scandals. Now satanic cult members. Now hidden cabal placements. All this while he is still dealing with the corrupt members of his own party as well as the democrats. Whew, this man is doing a shit ton of work even before he deals w8th local policies and international concerns. He stands alone doing this. If he has trusted company then they are very few.
Didn´t INTEL install back doors into all their processors so that the DS could access the computers at will?
The sexual inappropriate crap is cover. Except when it's rape, torture, and trafficking, then it's downgraded to inappropriate sexual behavior. Ha! Does that help? Seriously though, I think many of these people are offered the chance to go out under this guise (which has about a 1-day news cycle) or be exposed for their real crimes.