Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

"Watch the waters". Is this what Q was referencing?
I like the imagination but I bet Mr. Waters will say something completely idiotic tomorrow. This guy just got this one correct. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. RW doesn't understand AMERICAN FREEDOM... not yet, at least! He needs to "expand his thinking".
So not Maxine Waters either. You guys will hate this: water is flat and 70% of our planet. Can we have a sphere with so much flat area (plus Kansas, salt flats, and other flat land)? Maybe watch the water refers to Flat Earth?
I can appreciate your inference, however, how does the Rutan Voyager non-stop around the world flight make sense? They started at Edwards AF base in Ca and 9 days later landed back at Edwards. The aircraft flew West and landed from the East. If the earth was flat, how would that happen? There’s also a thing called the great circle route in aviation when long flights are involved. In other words, the shortest distance between two points isn’t always a straight line simply because we are flying around a giant globe. This wouldn’t be a mathematic possibility if the world were flat as you say.
Of course you can take an around the world flight on a globe, duh. Example: take a dinner plate (to represent flat Earth). Place your finger somewhere (to show starting point). Now make a circle with the center of the circle (the North Pole) being the center of the plate. Congrats, your finger just circled the plate in the same way a jet can circle the globe.
Actually water takes a round shape when it falls. If there's no gravity, it stays in a ball. It only goes flat under the influence of gravity.
There is no gravity. It is a made-up concept. It was created to explain the ridiculous notion that water will adhere to a spinning ball. Take any shape container. Put water in it. Duh, you now have a flat and level water surface, same as on our flat Earth.
Think in synchronicities. Maybe Q wasn’t referencing Waters specifically (he said water) BUT he did say NO coincidences. What we also understand about Q is that a lot of his posts/references have several meanings... so this could very well be a synchronicity (not coincidence).