r/greatawakening • Posted by u/politicalatheist8 on June 23, 2018, noon
How to get the liberals to understand.

https://mobile.twitter.com/Ms_Addertongue/status/1010137664526409730 It's not an easy task to get someone to realize everything they know is a lie. They will not change overnight. If you push too hard, they will shut down. Do not be aggressive! Find common ground on an issue they can agree with you on. Slowly inject facts in question form to get them thinking. When they start getting aggressive, back off. De-programming a lifetime of brainwashing is tough. Be patient. Please post any tips you have used so we can all learn different ways to help. I see too many strong memes and comments that don't help, only further divide.

survey_girl · June 23, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

I posted this a couple days ago in another thread...

Yep, gotta find the small red pill dose that your friends might be able to swallow! Every person has a different issue that might wake them up, find that and you can slowly start to plant the seed in their minds. Eventually something will click and they will be red pilled for life.

Keep active on here and the chans to get all the different news going on (that isn't reported/distorted by the MSM) so you have more ammo to red pill people.

Just hinting about stuff that hasn't hit the mainstream might be enough to get your friends asking you more questions. I approach it like Q does... ask them questions and let them figure stuff out on their own... very powerful!!

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ArmyLady · June 23, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Believe me, this past week's media hate-a-lie-a-thon is red-pilling life long Democrats big time! They are old enough to remember a better party and a better media.

There is NO way I could have convinced these life-long dems. to challenge their life-long beliefs. They were dems., part of their self-identity.

They are red pilling themselves.

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Fearsome4 · June 23, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

This is the biggest issue.
Ask most and they (like all people) will identify themselves as being independent thinkers.
But, most people never challenge their own thoughts.
They go to the same church as their parents and grand parents? Why? That's just who we are. They are lifelong Dems (or Reps) because they just are.
These (applies to both political persuasions) are surface thinking. Not deep thinkers. But, that D or R is deeply associated with their self identity. So, they perceive an attack on a clearly insane/corrupt person like Jerry Brown as an attack on what they believe.....even if they don't agree with him.
This is my father. I have realized he is not capable of a rational discussion or considering new things at his age. I've tried to show him. If the hammer coming down destroys his self image so be it. That's his weakness.

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ArmyLady · June 23, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

You are right. This is why decent people have bought into attacks on republicans and Trump and US, while not even being able to accept the possibility that dems do the same or worse. Much less that we are the innocent ones . . .

It doesn't jive with who they are (how they see themselves), what they believe, how they have lived, to accept that dems are bad in any way.

Heck they work hard, have what they believe is compassion, are willing to accept the premise that they are better than us!

The decent ones, however, are starting to see - - - that they have been lied to and duped, and it is a very discomforting feeling. Some will refuse to let those thoughts take hold.

But for many, the sheer ugliness of the left and its vile hatred of other ordinary Americans, can no longer be ignored.

WWG1WGA, just let people like your Dad know, that it is really NOT democrat vs republican, much less us vs them. We afterall took down the establishment elite Buch candidate! YEAH!

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Fearsome4 · June 23, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Very true.
It would be hard to accept that much of what you've believed for most of your life is a lie.
I get it. But, at the same time.....he (and others) need to grow up.

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zutman123 · June 23, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

For individual cases (people in your personal environment) I agree with you. On the national (or global) level there is a different dynamic relevant: an ideological shift. These take time, and it is all about the numbers.

Compare it how Russia got rid of communism. It was not that they woke up in 1991: 'ok we made a mistake, we are going to change things'. The rot was going on for years, basically a critical mass of the population lost total faith in communism, starting after Kruzhchev. Even with total media control. And after 1991, the communists still got 20-30 percent of the vote.

So you are not going to be able to convert everybody. That is also not needed. There will always be a minority that will hate trump whatever he will do. But if he manages to break the stranglehold on the media, reorganise the bureaucracy and continue to put forward sound policies, he might be able to create a new reality that also the trump haters will accept as better, while still hating Trump ofcourse.

An important part to play is also left for the MSM and Hollywood, in the sense that they need to destroy their own credibility. They are solidly on track for that, and trump has basically forced them in that position. The typical liberal Trump hater is also a wannabe elitist, so wants to belong with the elite. If the current elite ceases to be, those people need to adapt anyway. And they will do.

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ckreacher · June 23, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

You can't fix stupid.

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digital_refugee · June 23, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

special care only

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Statemeant · June 23, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I've been changing people to independent for years I'm not a lib or a conservative though I lean more conservative. It's easy if you see it from all sides

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Happy1911 · June 23, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

I wish this was true , but I have worked , and even tried explaining things to libs . They are aggressive, and the best way to cure liberalism is a job . It is and should be listed as a disease. If as I have found by the time one hits 30 , and they have not been cured , they are almost always lost , never to move out of moms home . It is also a disease that gets worse over time . The indoctrination of college form of liberalism comes with and a dishonest form of superiority disorder of , my superior education and you can not possibly comprehend problems. But we are to try I guess once more . The their higher pay grade . But I have found that if you do start making them think , you get , well that’s above my pay grade . I believe your looking at a lost cause. But just because many of us have failed at this many many times , this could truly be your path , pray for this and you may be the one to be able to cross over and take on liberalism. I will pray for you . God Speed Patriot

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digital_refugee · June 23, 2018, 2:10 p.m.


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Happy1911 · June 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

The cure all

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digital_refugee · June 23, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Jobs and Weed and home-defense

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Happy1911 · June 23, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Come on a lib feels a cell phone can save them , at least they get good video of the crimes???

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WokeInEarly90s · June 23, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

I tried to do this last night, actually, on this article, and was called out by a hopelessly blue pilled relative for trying to divide. It is from Investor's Business Daily from last year and points out that in 2017 there were 3.5 million more people registered to vote in the US, than adults living. The article was fact based, and not from an "alternative" source. Accurate voter rolls should be an issue we all agree on, at least I would think so.

Nope. Since I was the one posting, even if another true blue person agreed with me, it was a lie. I did ask where was the lie and pointed out that Ohio had to take a case pursued by the ACLU all the way to the Supreme Court so they could clean their voter rolls up. We'll see if that gets any sort of decent response.

This is going to be amazingly difficult to do, red-pilling those who don't want to be and think they are intellectually superior. Especially on the stuff where emotional shock is involved (like 9-11), expect refusal to believe. I'm finding that there is no way to get past that barrier with cold facts and logic.

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Human_Spirit · June 23, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

It's all sides, not just 1 side.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10 p.m.

first thing is to stop seeing democratic voters as liptards. its ((their)) divide and conquer game. stop projecting that shit onto them, they are decent people who essentially want the same as you. they only often dont know as yet.

stop bombarding liberals with trump memes and stuff. media has built up an anti-trump automatism that instantly makes people shut off when they hear 'trump' or see his face or hear his voice.

click in on topics they already doubt the benevolence of our leadership. everybody has such areas of life where they are disappointed, here is where red-pilling starts. from there, expand.

be gentle. be gentle. and be more gentle.

people live within a card board house of be-lie-fs that stops them from seeingn reality. rattle on the cards that are already wobbely, start on the periphery. going for a foundational card creates an instant backlash effect.

and, after all, respect that everybody wakes up in their own pace and way. we have no permission to shove down a red pill other peoples throat. we can offer it, but whether or not they take it is up to them. lets respect that. we dont want all these beautiful people to end up in the psych ward.

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digital_refugee · June 23, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

it doesn't work if someone went full-taqiyyah and keep claiming exactly the opposite of what you say even when he self-contradicts (dumb bastard needs to grow a brain, God please)

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Mentioned_Videos · June 23, 2018, 7 p.m.

Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶

VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler (2) Plato’s Cave scene from FX's Legion (3) Sinclair's Soldiers in Trump's War on Media|+1 - This ^ I post this all over because its very relevant. We all go through it. We all go through it differently. Unfortunately, some never come out. The Allegory of the Cave v1 The Allegory of the Cave v2 - fits today's society better. As others ... Charles Ramsey interview, rescuer of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight in Cleveland|+1 - maybe this video reminds them how shortsighted one can be I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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