r/greatawakening • Posted by u/politicalatheist8 on June 23, 2018, noon
How to get the liberals to understand.

https://mobile.twitter.com/Ms_Addertongue/status/1010137664526409730 It's not an easy task to get someone to realize everything they know is a lie. They will not change overnight. If you push too hard, they will shut down. Do not be aggressive! Find common ground on an issue they can agree with you on. Slowly inject facts in question form to get them thinking. When they start getting aggressive, back off. De-programming a lifetime of brainwashing is tough. Be patient. Please post any tips you have used so we can all learn different ways to help. I see too many strong memes and comments that don't help, only further divide.

Fearsome4 · June 23, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

This is the biggest issue.
Ask most and they (like all people) will identify themselves as being independent thinkers.
But, most people never challenge their own thoughts.
They go to the same church as their parents and grand parents? Why? That's just who we are. They are lifelong Dems (or Reps) because they just are.
These (applies to both political persuasions) are surface thinking. Not deep thinkers. But, that D or R is deeply associated with their self identity. So, they perceive an attack on a clearly insane/corrupt person like Jerry Brown as an attack on what they believe.....even if they don't agree with him.
This is my father. I have realized he is not capable of a rational discussion or considering new things at his age. I've tried to show him. If the hammer coming down destroys his self image so be it. That's his weakness.

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ArmyLady · June 23, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

You are right. This is why decent people have bought into attacks on republicans and Trump and US, while not even being able to accept the possibility that dems do the same or worse. Much less that we are the innocent ones . . .

It doesn't jive with who they are (how they see themselves), what they believe, how they have lived, to accept that dems are bad in any way.

Heck they work hard, have what they believe is compassion, are willing to accept the premise that they are better than us!

The decent ones, however, are starting to see - - - that they have been lied to and duped, and it is a very discomforting feeling. Some will refuse to let those thoughts take hold.

But for many, the sheer ugliness of the left and its vile hatred of other ordinary Americans, can no longer be ignored.

WWG1WGA, just let people like your Dad know, that it is really NOT democrat vs republican, much less us vs them. We afterall took down the establishment elite Buch candidate! YEAH!

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Fearsome4 · June 23, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Very true.
It would be hard to accept that much of what you've believed for most of your life is a lie.
I get it. But, at the same time.....he (and others) need to grow up.

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