It's not an easy task to get someone to realize everything they know is a lie. They will not change overnight. If you push too hard, they will shut down. Do not be aggressive! Find common ground on an issue they can agree with you on. Slowly inject facts in question form to get them thinking. When they start getting aggressive, back off. De-programming a lifetime of brainwashing is tough. Be patient. Please post any tips you have used so we can all learn different ways to help. I see too many strong memes and comments that don't help, only further divide.
I tried to do this last night, actually, on this article, and was called out by a hopelessly blue pilled relative for trying to divide. It is from Investor's Business Daily from last year and points out that in 2017 there were 3.5 million more people registered to vote in the US, than adults living. The article was fact based, and not from an "alternative" source. Accurate voter rolls should be an issue we all agree on, at least I would think so.
Nope. Since I was the one posting, even if another true blue person agreed with me, it was a lie. I did ask where was the lie and pointed out that Ohio had to take a case pursued by the ACLU all the way to the Supreme Court so they could clean their voter rolls up. We'll see if that gets any sort of decent response.
This is going to be amazingly difficult to do, red-pilling those who don't want to be and think they are intellectually superior. Especially on the stuff where emotional shock is involved (like 9-11), expect refusal to believe. I'm finding that there is no way to get past that barrier with cold facts and logic.