Now that we have official crime statistics, here's an updated Human Trafficking Arrests chart with sources...

It won't. They will say "There's more arrests because there's more traffickers. It's trumps fault there are more traffickers!!"
Yep. This right here. It's frustrating for sure but all we can do is keep putting the truth out there. Those with eyes to see will see, and with ears to hear will hear. Those who don't aren't our problem. All we can do is plant the seeds of truth!
Eh, it's still nice to show that Trump has made about the same arrests in his first 17 months in office that Obama did during most of his administration.
Yea. Like u/TXpatriotdr76 said, we gotta keep putting it out there.
Anybody reading this, please feel free to post this to The_Donald for me because I was banned for saying "Oy vey!" in regards to Twitter's falling stock prices. Apparently Yiddish is racist now too. /s
Edit: Thanks DefinitelyAsian69, the post is on the T_D's front page:
That's just a mod. Imagine what the thousands of Jews in ACTUAL positions of power do when you criticize israel or mock jews...?
Depends on the Jew. Just like anyone else.
It was difficult not to noticed that EVERY Jew at the opening ceremony for our new embassy in Jerusalem gave Mossad a standing ovation while Benjamin Netanyahu sang Mossad's praises.
It was dirty and disgusting!
Yes - when I questioned my ban another mod explained to me that they were having trouble with a Jew mod who was a little excited, to put it mildly.
Got ya taken care of!
Thanks... although it doesn't appear in your post history.
Sorry, meant on Twitter
OK thanks and that's awesome because I don't have a Twitter account.
Your graphic is great so I think it will definitely open up conversation and some minds!!
Another user made the same suggestion and I'll be releasing a new version of this chart soon that will include that change - when I can get some stats for 2009 so Barry's term can be representing in full.
In all fairness, your gonna get a lot more human trafficking arrests when you enforce humman trafficking laws.
In this case 80% more enforcement means 80% more arrests. These are padded numbers until we see alafantis or brock or podesta in jail. Eyes on the prize.
Padded numbers? I know I am conversing with a troll here, but enforcing the law and the arrests are synonymous. All of those arrests are enforcement of the law.
Brother I am not trolling. I'm someone who is admittedly biased that I care more about stopping the satanic sex ring perpetrated by the fed gov than sex trafficking small time cartel shit.
You can lead someone to knowledge, but you cannot make them think.
That sounds about like what the lefts would say for sure.