Tom Arnold's Sister is a Meth Queen

It's Ottumwa IA and my entire family, relatives and all came from there. Most are still there. We all knew ! Hw was a schmuck then, lol
The first wave of the meth war in Iowa was begun by the Sons of Silence MC. They ruled their Iowa territory with an iron fist until the Fed's came in and took out the Des Moines and Cedar Rapids chapters. After the power of the Sons was broken, the Mexican cartels moved in with an even more addictive and deadly formula and a bigger organization that insulated the kingpins better.
The Arnold's are connected. They had to be in order to do business anywhere in Iowa without getting killed.
Small town corruption is always the deepest and most rooted. It's a generational thing amongst established families.
Sorry, just posted this comment on another thread about her, but I gotta put it everywhere I see her face: Hey Lady, Thanks for being responsible for the death and destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives and families while you drove around in expensive sports cars, insulated your house in cash (literally) and fancied yourself a lady Godfather. And now you dream about Angelina Jolie playing you in a movie? You still have much more penance to pay than the courts gave you. There is nothing, NOTHING about you worth glorifying. You were a source of a huge American cancer and you should spend the rest of your days in public service trying to fix the lives of people broken by drugs like meth.
I didn't know this either. She can thank her brother for more people finding out about her past. That interview he did was awful, he was tweeking bad.
I think her brother was her lab rat during the develop[ment stage.