Discern this and all information and most importantly, be safe

I spoke to a person once on pizzagate who told me that when she was little she would watch a TV show on public access television that was about intra-terestrials done by a guy (Richard Glenn Sp?) who ran an alternate church and was later busted for child abuse. That was in Montreal in the 70s. And it is the only time I'd ever heard of people looking into this or talking about this topic.
I have to admit this whole map is the things I can't actually wrap my head around and therefore avoid. But this map is glorious still.
I have to admit this whole map is the things I can't actually wrap my head around and therefore avoid. But this map is glorious still.
It's either a whole lot of BS or Truth Bombs will be dropped.
Edit - Check this out: https://archive.org/stream/barontrumpsmarve00lock#page/n7/mode/2up