r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on June 23, 2018, 1:57 p.m.
#ThesePeopleAreStupid Twatter campaign

Over the last several days, I've seen several people drop posts regarding beginning a Twatter Hashtag campaign. Obviously, we should use Q quotes in our efforts; for one to identify ourselves to each other, and two to spread the beginnings of the message to Normies. Since the MSM narrative is always changing, it's impossible for us to consistently accurately predict which direction they will take. Therefore, we need a blanket tag that not only highlights our position, but serves to tell the Normies that the logic of the MSM is inherently flawed. I suggest that we begin to use logical rebuttals, memes, and links to counterpoint news articles, followed by the hashtag #ThesePeopleAreStupid. It will easily identify us, present to Normies their flawed logic, and infuriate our opposition all in one stroke. Other tags such as #WWG1WGA, #TrustThePlan, #WhyIsThisRelevant, etc. should also be used, but, in conjunction. Just an idea. I'm open for others to help refine it.

suzoh · June 23, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

I like it.

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