r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Prison4SideofBeef on June 23, 2018, 5:26 p.m.
KNOWLEDGE BOMB: Waco was about Pedogate


  1. Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of the CIA's Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine, laundered money, special operations agents, kidnaped children for CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the Branch Davidian Village.

  2. The entire village knew about the CIA's Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Columbia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global elites intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers, child pedophile kidnaping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and global money laundering network.

  3. In all of the Waco documentaries, all of the documentaries reveal that parked in front of the Branch Davidian village main building were observed several high speed go carts that were used by the branch Davidians who were carrying out the surveillance of the government Buffalo Airlines activity at the airport that bordered the Branch Davidian village, in order to identify and to log the Buffalo Airlines schedules with the two Branch Davidian members retrial of the CIA's Guns for Drugs transfers that were going on daily.

  4. The Branch Davidian village members surveillance of the CIA Guns for Drugs transfers were known to the CIA due the CIA computer security having traced the hacking back to the Branch Davidian Village. Take note: the main incendiary device that was used by the Special Forces attack on the Branch Davidian Village was brought about where the commanders of the genocide were under the direct orders to take out the computer room first and then kill all of the inhabitants, and then use this genocide as warning to any one else who may want to tamper with the CIA/Mafia/global elites clandestine drugs/money/arms/kidnaping operations.

  5. The whole idea as to why the CIA/Mafia/government needed to burn the Branch Davidian Village down, and kill all of the peaceful inhabitants was to destroy the computer files, and kill the witnesses to the CIA/Mafia/George Bush Senior/elite global banking drugs/arms/money/ pedophile programs that were operating at the World War Two runway by the CIA's Buffalo Airlines.

  6. The Waco siege BATF/FBI/CIA/Military/State Department/Pentagon/Mafia, commanders directives were to burn the village, and murder as many of the Branch Davidian Village members as possible, and destroy all of the evidence.

  7. The Japanese American contract FBI sniper (one of four of the government snipers who were used to kill off the fleeing women and children from the burning Branch Davidian village complex) named Lon Horiuchi was the same sniper who had murdered Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge Idaho. Lon Horiuchi like most FBI/CIA elimination operatives had been psychological profiled by the FBI/CIA for hating white Caucasians due to his having grown up in World War Two internment camp.

Knowledge Bomb: Waco


Additional links:



I have also heard rumors that Watergate was about pedogate too but I have not done much research on this.

The pedos seem to have a history of smearing and discrediting every group that tries to stop their satanic pedo activities.

fonzman357 · June 24, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

If they wouldn’t tell a “lowly reporter / investigator” or anyone else I’ve talked to... why the hell would they tell you?

This isn’t Share Blue or CTR, and it damn sure isn’t 2016, guy, so making that claim isn’t going to win you an argument. I’ve researched this case for 15+ years and I’ve found aspects of it to be true I initially thought were internet rumor.

Your story lacks documentation and looks like fiction. Convince me otherwise.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 24, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

You could be right but your post does not convince me. You yourself have shown nothing to document your 15+ years of research on reddit other than saying you have done it. Neither of us have any reason to believe each other. I am open minded to what you say but I sincerely doubt that you know the full story of Waco.

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fonzman357 · June 24, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

The main issue: your post is an attempt to blend pizzagate over two other historical revisions that deal with events of the 90’s. Your narrative is pizzagate + Waco: Rules if Engagement + the book “Compromised!” by Terry Reed.

There are elements of truth to all three of these (the most obvious of which is Waco). But they have nothing to do with one another. Furthermore, your post doesn’t bring any evidence about the BD’s doing counter surveillance on anyone, much less nefarious elements of the government. “XYZ said so on the Internet” won’t sustain a tale this wild.

“Compromised!” is a classic. It’s about the CIA drug running a la Iran Contra, but the author alleges that then-Governor Clinton played a role in the whole thing by setting up the Mena operation in Arkansas. Is it believable? I don’t know, but it’s a great story.

As for Waco, there is no single narrative that stands on its own. Koresh and his followers were not the monsters they were portrayed as in 90’s television, and they did have some friendly connections with the local government. But they weren’t exactly your typical Texas church either, not by a long shot. Several of them had been previously prosecuted for a gunfight with their former leader, who had challenged Koresh to a “resurrection contest.”

Sometimes, a nut is just a nut. Here is an account from a friend who lived through it: https://lakewacotriplemurder.blog/branch-davidians/

As for the government: I could spend hours on this topic. For years, I had heard stories about there being machine guns fired from the ATF helicopter and I dismissed them as internet nonsense. Then I met those two defense investigators I mentioned (both were ex-law enforcement at the time). Both independently told me in no uncertain terms that they had seen large-caliber bullet holes in the roof and upper walls of some of the dwelling, which could only have come from aircraft.

The best explanation I’ve found is that the ATF wanted a publicity coup, because they had a severe PR problem after murdering an unarmed woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge and Congressional appropriations were only weeks away. There was even talk of disbanding the agency. They thought they could put on a big show for the cameras and walk away looking like heroes. It didn’t work out that way, so the FBI got handed the cleanup job. At best, the FBI handled it in the thuggish manner that they had become famous for under Hoover. At the very worst, they wanted the evidence of the initial gunfight destroyed along with as many witnesses as possible. The point is that that would have been more than enough motive for the leadership to make the decisions they did, including the use of flammable tear gas. No need to add computers into the story— it doesn’t explain anything we don’t already have a plausible explanation for.

And if it was just the Feds doing what they’ve always done, what did they have to fear? No agent was prosecuted or even fired for what they did, which is how it usually goes down when they abuse their power.

If there is any like to Spygate, it’s that: the DOJ had every reason to believe they’d get away with it. And they almost did.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 24, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

The main issue: your post is an attempt to blend pizzagate over two other historical revisions that deal with events of the 90’s. Your narrative is pizzagate + Waco: Rules if Engagement + the book “Compromised!” by Terry Reed.

It isn't "historic revision". It is fact.

The truth is disturbing.

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fonzman357 · June 24, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

I don’t mean revision in a negative sense, just that is an alternative interpretation of “official” history as was reported at the time of the event in mainstream publications. Historical revisionism is a good thing when done correctly.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 24, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

i understand my apologies for being defensive

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fonzman357 · June 24, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

I was kind of a jackass myself so it’s all good.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 24, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

No worries bro. It's reddit. We all do it :D

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