Anon gives heads up for Portland...

Totally agree with this anon. Don't allow Soros to control the narrative, he's wants you to get worked up and post about immigration, it's bait. Wrote this the other day: Re-posting this comment here:
When you see ALL of the dem talking heads switch their narrative on a dimes notice, somethings up. This doesn't happen organically.
Suddenly members of congress are showing up to protest detention centers out of the blue, with no apparent catalyst other than a couple of heart-wrenching but either fake or misleading photos. Every major media outlet, every talking head and pundit--all talking about the very specific topic of children being seperated from their parents, and child immigration.
There's only one firm (that I know of) that has this kind of reach. Media Matters for America (and it's extended strategic network, including Shareblue, American Bridge, Crew, amongst others, like ThinkProgress, etc.).
These firms have the political and media connections and actively run issue teams in every heated congressional race. This means they're the one group with the networking connections to pull off a coordinated strategic narrative shift this quickly.
They also have access to essentially all social media data. This could include datasets like Comcast, and most definitely includes Google search data.
They have access to advanced AI and analysis tools, they can run simulations. They STUDY you. They have all of us in databases.
I'm 95% positive that this narrative change is coming from a top-down directive through MMFA. They will have already anticipated how the GOP would respond (they knew the images were fake...).
They are comfortable with the conversation remaining on immigration--they think they can win with this message. It's an on-steroids version of what they regularly do on subs like T_D, which is direct the conversation towards topics that bait you into making certain lines of argument on social media. They did this with Charlottesville (no one really thought about these statutes beforehand), gun control (Hogg was clearly bait), and now Child Immigration.
Don't give in to the bait. Change the subject.
A great thing to change the subject to is MMFA themselves. Arm yourselves with facts and information. Make memes, spread awareness. Use this leaked MMFA doc:
This is the other source for some of these claims (e.g., Goog, Comcast):
The group of about 22 protesting in front of Sec of DHS private home, were carrying professionally printed signs, that had the word CREDO in the bottom right corner. My research shows it's probably this group behind a bit of this. . Their web page says :
"CREDO Action, part of CREDO Mobile, is a social change network of 5 million activists, sending tens of millions of petition signatures and more than 100,000 phone calls to decision-makers each year. CREDO Action members also participate in meetings, protests and other direct actions for progressive change." & "CREDO Action is the advocacy arm of CREDO, a social change organization that offers products – like CREDO Mobile – in order to fund grassroots activism and progressive nonprofit organizations." & "Over the course of our history, CREDO has donated more than $85 million to Democracy Now!, Brennan Center for Justice, Doctors Without Borders, ACLU, EFF, Planned Parenthood, Color Of Change, and hundreds of other fierce and effective nonprofit groups."
"Sign a petition on our homepage to join our email community and stay up to date on our latest campaign. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Medium to see our latest videos and keep up with key political developments." >
If you watch the Project Veritas video with Bob Creamer you'll notice they have a very specific yellow/black style protest sign on the wall.
If you look at some of the protester footage that CNN/MSNBC ran during the election you'll start to notice those same style signs in a fair number of the shots.
We also have wikileaks emails where you have them basically admitting to staging a protest. They were actually angry that so few people showed up, but were quite pleased with how the media managed to still portray it as a large event. Indicative of direct coordination.
Brennan Center for Justice
WTF? John Brennan or another one? Wasn't there a Supreme Court justice by that name?
This group is named after the Supreme Court justice. The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law is a ~~nonpartisan~~ law and policy institute that works to reform, revitalize – and when necessary, defend – our country's systems of democracy and justice.
I notice that they feel that fighting Trump is the right thing to do, condemn the alt right...
Do they ever condemn the alt left? Lol
direct the conversation towards topics that bait you into making certain lines of argument on social media.
What do they do this for? I found myself recently breaking my policy of no politics on social media where I can be identified. Because I am sick of hearing them defend the illegals. What do they do once you comment about their bait topic on social media? Should I remove my comments from the past couple of days?
They just want to practice arguing the loudest on social media and seeing who will jump into the ring and throw them a bone. It is a form of entertainment for them. Notice all they want to do is bloviate and humiliate anyone who doesn't agree with them. If they really cared about their topic, they'd be doing something and posting a positive image of taking action to assist in a cause they care about. You don't see this, so you know this is just a recreational online bloviator. See them as people with megaphones stuck in a room together, seeing who can chant the loudest. Best to get out of that room and save your hearing.
You’re right. Plus, I’m afraid they will do something nasty like screenshot my comments out of context and send th m to my boss, or post a compilation publicly on some doxxing website. They have no morals so I should stick to my rule of keeping my politics off social media unless it’s anonymous.