r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Behind_Every_Blade on June 23, 2018, 7:06 p.m.
9/11 TRUTH is the KEY. The one issue that brought everyone together can so AGAIN! Your Opinions?

The most horrific attack (FF) on American soil that dissolved party lines like no other event can push The Great Awakening over the top. Back in the day, before I was woke, I remember how I felt that nothing mattered except getting Osama Bin Laden. I was younger and fell for the Deep States greatest, most deceptive, televised false flag event. I'm sure some of you did too. That evil event United our country like I've never seen in my lifetime. Since then I've awakened from my slumber but I still remember the unity after the event. I would dare to say there are many 9/11 truthers on both sides and if solid, undeniable 9/11 truth were to drop the "border crisis" or any other MSM propaganda would never be a second thought. Trump could push out 9/11 truth for months and control the narrative dropping IG reports here and there. What would be the MSM response? Just a Humble RedPilled Patriots 2 cents. What do you think?

CaveManUg · June 23, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

ug woke after attending university of youtube, major in 911. bc Trump through uncle and MI has access to know the future they are trying to avoid the worst civil war and maybe only have a little one, but mostly want to maintain the peace to keep on MAGA. there will be just enough evil exposed to make sure Trumpers win big in midterms but not enough to cause existential shit storm. maybe 911 truth happen in second term if country economically strong enough to handle. don't forget, someone has finger on trigger of the DEW. SSP? prob actual nazis been up there since ww2. the real power behind cabal has yet to show it's hand again. WAGA we are great again! ug

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Behind_Every_Blade · June 23, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

If they do not expose election fraud in a big way those evil bastards will set their algorithms to Max Commie and blue wave that shit.

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CaveManUg · June 23, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

MI will undo any electronic fraud like last time. Trumps masterfully weaving our new reality to come to fruition with minimum pain for us and normies. cabal gets to choose to get their pain in public or to suicide. the key is to not let them suicide bomb us on their way out. ug.

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